我有一個複雜的戰鬥系統,它有一個父Activity和幾個子類,它們通過擴展Battle並將上下文傳遞給這些類來訪問BattleActivity的靜態變量。Android - 釋放分配的內存AnimationDrawable正在使用
public class Battle extends Activity
// I have several AnimationDrawables loaded into memory
// These are then assigned the relevent animation to a button swicthing between these animations throughout my battle
ImageButton btnChr1;
AnimationDrawable cAnimHit1;
//This is the use of one of those AnimationDrawables
public class Battle_Chr_Anim extends Battle
protected Context ctx;
private ImageButton btnChr1;
AnimationDrawable cAnimHit1;
public Battle_Chr_Anim(Context c, ImageButton _btnChr1, AnimationDrawable _cAnimHit1) {
this.ctx = c;
this.btnChr1 = _btnChr1;
this.cAnimHit1 = _cAnimHit1;
// Bound the ImageButton
int id = ctx.getResources().getIdentifier("idle", "drawable", ctx.getPackageName());
frameAnimation = (AnimationDrawable)img_chr1.getBackground();
// Loaded into memory ready so I can swicth them over quickly when user attacks
int ca1 = ctx.getResources().getIdentifier("attack", "drawable", ctx.getPackageName());
cAnimHit1 = (AnimationDrawable)chrHit1.getBackground();
public class Battle_Ended extends Battle
protected Context ctx;
public Battle_Ended(Context c) {
this.ctx = c;
//This is a dialog popup when the user completes the battle closing the battle activty
void EndBattle()
ImageButton btnSubmit = (ImageButton)dialog.findViewById(R.id.imgBtnSubmit);
btnSubmit.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent returnIntent = new Intent();
setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, returnIntent);
((Activity) ctx).finish();
void RecyleAllAnimations()
// I want all AnimationDrawables from memory here, I believe the below line removes the one currently in use, however I have no way of releasing the other animations sitting in memory.
你真的有靜態變量,你傳遞的應用程序上下文?我認爲他們會比你的drawables更早地殺死你的應用程序 – TheRedFox 2014-11-07 14:37:06
是的,這僅僅是爲了我的對戰方面的事情,因爲我不想讓我所有的代碼都在同一個Activity中,只是擴展這個類,以便我仍然可以訪問UI。由於我需要能夠加載所有的AnimationDrawables之前加載活動,以便動畫可以流利當用戶進入戰鬥 – 2014-11-07 14:43:44