Public Class OurEntityPreAssign
Implements IPlugin
Public Sub Execute(ByVal serviceProvider As System.IServiceProvider) Implements Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin.Execute
Dim context As IPluginExecutionContext = CType(serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(IPluginExecutionContext)), IPluginExecutionContext)
Dim factory As IOrganizationServiceFactory = CType(serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext)), IOrganizationServiceFactory)
Dim service As IOrganizationService = factory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId)
Dim entity As Entity
' Get Assignee
' Compare it to the PreImage
' If Same BUID, do nothing
' Else check for duplicate
ErrorLogUtil.WriteToFile("PreAssign") '--> This gets logged
If context.InputParameters.Contains("Assignee") AndAlso TypeOf context.InputParameters("Assignee") Is EntityReference Then
Dim assigneeER As EntityReference = CType(context.InputParameters("Assignee"), EntityReference)
entity = service.Retrieve(assigneeER.LogicalName, assigneeER.Id, New Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(True))
Dim er As EntityReference = CType(entity.Attributes("businessunitid"), EntityReference)
Dim initialBusinessUnit As EntityReference = CType(context.PreEntityImages("PreImage").Attributes("owningbusinessunit"), EntityReference)
ErrorLogUtil.WriteToFile("initialBusinessUnitID:" & initialBusinessUnit.Id.ToString & ", assigneeER: " & er.Id.ToString)' -->These values are different, which means we need to check to see if the new one already has a record
If Not er.Id = initialBusinessUnit.Id Then
If Not er.Name = "Disabled Users" Then
If OurEntity.isDuplicate(er.Id, service, context.PreEntityImages("PreImage").LogicalName) Then
ErrorLogUtil.WriteToFile("ExceptionThrown") '-->This is being hit, which means that the throw call should also be hit, or some other error should appear
Throw New InvalidPluginExecutionException("My Message Here")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
正是這樣很明顯,我已經看過this post,它沒有任何答案,這的確是一個不同的問題,因爲提問者至少接受某種錯誤消息。