2016-05-16 34 views


protected bool _isRotating = false; 

/// <summary> 
/// Rotates the hand around a specific point 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="point">The point to rotate around</param> 
/// <param name="perspective"> 
/// The perspective view in which the transform occurs, by default this is Camera.Main 
/// </param> 
public IEnumerator RotateHand(GameHelper.Axis axis, bool isPositiveDirection, 
           Vector3 isolatedRotationPoint, float inTime = 1f, 
           int degrees = GameHelper.RIGHT_ANGLE_DEGREES, 
           Transform perspective = null) 
    if (_isRotating) 
     yield break; 

    _isRotating = true; 

    var targetPerspective = perspective ?? Camera.main.transform; 

    int charge = isPositiveDirection ? 1 : -1; 
    int normalizedDegrees = degrees * charge; 

    var noralizedAxisVector = this.GetNormalizeHandVectors(axis, targetPerspective); 

    var perfectAngles = transform.eulerAngles +(noralizedAxisVector * normalizedDegrees); 

    float startTime = Time.time; 
    float endTime = startTime + inTime; 
    while (Time.time < endTime) 
     var delta = normalizedDegrees * (Time.deltaTime/inTime); 
     transform.RotateAround(isolatedRotationPoint, noralizedAxisVector, delta); 
     yield return null; 

    //correct end values for loss in floating point percision 
    transform.eulerAngles = perfectedAngles; 

    _isRotating = false; 


protected Vector3 GetNormalizeHandVectors(GameHelper.Axis axis, Transform perspective) 
    var forward = perspective.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); 
    forward = forward.normalized; 

    switch (axis) 
     case GameHelper.Axis.X: 
      return perspective.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right); 
     case GameHelper.Axis.Y: 
      return perspective.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up); 
     case GameHelper.Axis.Z: 
      return perspective.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); 

    throw new Exception("Axis Not Found"); 






我打算使用四元數我想通了如何旋轉,但我無法弄清楚如何圍繞一個點旋轉 –


如果點在本地座標中給出(相對於你想旋轉的物體),這可以通過以下方式完成: 1.用點座標轉換; 2.使用四元數旋轉對象(使用AngleAxis方法和'normalizedAxisVector'作爲座標軸); 3.用負點座標來翻譯 – Fons


我該如何計算? –