我想使用叫做GoggleNet的Caffe模型來討論特徵提取。 我指的是這篇文章"End to end people detection in crowded scenes"。對於熟悉caffe的人,應該能夠應付我的疑問。使用caffe模型進行特徵提取
輸入圖像通過GoogleNet till inception_5b/output
(2)這個1x1x1024數據如何表示圖像中的64x64區域? 有一個在源代碼的描述作爲
"""Takes the output from the decapitated googlenet and transforms the output
from a NxCxWxH to (NxWxH)xCx1x1 that is used as input for the lstm layers.
N = batch size, C = channels, W = grid width, H = grid height."""
def generate_intermediate_layers(net):
"""Takes the output from the decapitated googlenet and transforms the output
from a NxCxWxH to (NxWxH)xCx1x1 that is used as input for the lstm layers.
N = batch size, C = channels, W = grid width, H = grid height."""
net.f(Convolution("post_fc7_conv", bottoms=["inception_5b/output"],
param_lr_mults=[1., 2.], param_decay_mults=[0., 0.],
num_output=1024, kernel_dim=(1, 1),
weight_filler=Filler("gaussian", 0.005),
bias_filler=Filler("constant", 0.)))
net.f(Power("lstm_fc7_conv", scale=0.01, bottoms=["post_fc7_conv"]))
net.f(Transpose("lstm_input", bottoms=["lstm_fc7_conv"]))
意味着電平輸出可能是15x20x1024。由於接受字段,每個1x1x1024表示圖像中的64x64矩形大小? – batuman
這個解釋有沒有什麼好的參考?感謝Quora的參考,比這更深入的討論? – batuman
@batuman目前我能想到的「典型」參考。隨時編輯答案,如果你找到一個好的鏈接:) – Shai