2013-08-20 53 views

我想匹配Android中的相機輸入圖像。當我用2張圖片嘗試這一切時,一切正常。但現在我喜歡用相機輸入做同樣的事情。要完成這件事,我實現CvCameraViewListener2和嘗試下面的代碼:OpenCV Android模板匹配從相機

public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) { 
    mRgba = inputFrame.rgba(); 
    int match_method = Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF; 

    mSizeRgba = mRgba.size(); 

    int rows = (int) mSizeRgba.height; 
    int cols = (int) mSizeRgba.width; 

    Mat templ = Highgui.imread(getFileAbsPath("template.jpg")); 

    // Create the result matrix 
    int result_cols = cols - templ.cols() + 1; 
    int result_rows = rows - templ.rows() + 1; 

    Mat result = new Mat(result_rows, result_cols, CvType.CV_32F); 

    Mat src = new Mat(result_rows, result_cols, CvType.CV_32F); 
    mRgba.convertTo(src, CvType.CV_32F); 

    Mat template = new Mat(templ.rows(), templ.cols(), CvType.CV_32F); 
    templ.convertTo(template, CvType.CV_32F); 

    // Do the Matching and Normalize 
    Imgproc.matchTemplate(src, templ, result, match_method); 
    Core.normalize(result, result, 0, 1, Core.NORM_MINMAX, -1, new Mat()); 

    // Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc 
    MinMaxLocResult mmr = Core.minMaxLoc(result); 

    Point matchLoc; 
    if (match_method == Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF 
      || match_method == Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED) { 
     matchLoc = mmr.minLoc; 
    } else { 
     matchLoc = mmr.maxLoc; 
    Rect roi = new Rect((int) matchLoc.x, (int) matchLoc.y, templ.cols(), 
    // Mat cropped = new Mat(mRgba, roi); 
    Core.rectangle(result, new Point(roi.x, roi.y), new Point(roi.width - 2, roi.height - 2), new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 2); 
    return mRgba; 


OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ((img.depth() == CV_8U || img.depth() == CV_32F) 
              && img.type() == templ.type()) in ... 






// Do the Matching and Normalize 
    Imgproc.matchTemplate(src, templ, result, match_method); 



事實上,這是一種嘗試,以獲得墊對象兼容,但可能是錯誤的方式... Imgproc.matchTemplate(SRC,模板,結果,match_method);給出相同的錯誤。 – Smek


我的意思是,我建議'Imgproc.matchTemplate(src,template,result,match_method);' – SolessChong


是的,我嘗試過,但它不起作用。我測試了它們不匹配的Mat對象src和模板的類型。我怎樣才能將它們轉換爲相同的類型? – Smek


我解決了我的問題。我需要將模板的顏色從BGR轉換爲RGBA。 使用下面的代碼,我再也沒有崩潰,但預覽中的相機幀非常慢。這不完全是我想要的。

public void initialize(){ 
    if (src.empty()) 
    if(template == null){ 
     Mat templ = Highgui.imread(getFileAbsPath("template.png"), Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); 
     template = new Mat(templ.size(), CvType.CV_32F); 
     Imgproc.cvtColor(templ, template, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGBA); 

public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) { 

    src = inputFrame.rgba(); 
    int match_method = Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF; 

    // Create the result matrix 
    int result_cols = src.cols() - template.cols() + 1; 
    int result_rows = src.rows() - template.rows() + 1; 
    Mat result = new Mat(result_rows, result_cols, CvType.CV_32F); 

    // Do the Matching and Normalize 
    Imgproc.matchTemplate(src, template, result, match_method); 
    Core.normalize(result, result, 0, 1, Core.NORM_MINMAX, -1, new Mat()); 

    // Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc 
    MinMaxLocResult mmr = Core.minMaxLoc(result); 

    Point matchLoc; 
    if (match_method == Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF || match_method == Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED) { 
     matchLoc = mmr.minLoc; 
    } else { 
     matchLoc = mmr.maxLoc; 

    Rect roi = new Rect((int) matchLoc.x, (int) matchLoc.y, template.cols(), template.rows()); 
    Core.rectangle(src, new Point(roi.x, roi.y), new Point(roi.width - 2, roi.height - 2), new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 2); 
    return src; 

什麼是使其更好的替代方法? –