2014-01-30 34 views

我正在做一個口袋妖怪像遊戲,我需要讓我的雪碧移動像口袋妖怪的遊戲。 我的意思是,瓷磚到瓷磚,細胞到細胞。我正在使用tIDE(瓷磚地圖編輯器),我的瓷磚寬度爲32px。我希望球員移動32px每32px與運動期間的動畫。就像口袋妖怪一樣。所以如果我按住一個鍵,玩家會不斷移動,如果我按下一個鍵,他只會移動一次,如此32px。如何使像口袋妖怪一樣的老派雪碧運動(瓷磚到瓷磚)


public void movePlayer(String keyDown, GameTime gameTime) 
     if (keyDown == "up") 
      playerPosition.Y -= 2; 

      //Animation part, with a timer to switch animation 
      if (time > 0) 
       directionSprite = directionSpriteTab[4]; 
       time -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
       time2 = interval; 
      if (time2 > 0 && time <= 0) 
       directionSprite = directionSpriteTab[5]; 
       time2 -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
      if (time2 <= 0 && time <= 0) 
       time = interval; 
     //same for other keys ... 





bool movingUp = false; // Set to true when keyDown == "up". 


if (keyDown == "up") 
    movingUp = true; 
    // Could be type Vector2 or something else, depends on what playerPosition is. 
    playerMoveDestination = new Point(playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y - 32); 

if (movingUp) 
    // Calculates the distance from the destination tile. 
    // When the distance is small enough you want to snap to the tile to avoid 
    // overshooting. In this case the snap distance is less than 2 pixels because the 
    // character moves 2 pixels per frame. 
    if (playerPosition.Y - playerMoveDestination.Y < 2) 
     playerPosition.Y = playerMoveDestination.Y; 
     movingUp = false; 
     playerPosition.Y -= 2; 

     if (time > 0) 
      directionSprite = directionSpriteTab[4]; 
      time -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
      time2 = interval; 
     if (time2 > 0 && time <= 0) 
      directionSprite = directionSpriteTab[5]; 
      time2 -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
     if (time2 <= 0 && time <= 0) 
      time = interval; 


編輯:對不起,我有一個錯誤的代碼。當玩家正好在一個貼圖上時,playerPosition.Y%32的計算結果爲0,小於2,所以當按下向上鍵並立即執行並停止移動時。爲了解決這個問題,你可以有一個playerMoveDestination變量,當玩家按下Up鍵時,它將被設置爲(playerPosition.X,playerPosition.Y - 32)。我改變了代碼來做到這一點。


更改了修復錯誤的答案。如果它適合你,請接受答案。我們需要更多的遊戲,比如口袋妖怪:) –


Ty爲你的幫助,我不認爲遊戲會完成^^「這只是一個學校項目,我回答你回答還有一些問題:P – user3255134


感謝您的幫助Skype解決了問題。 – user3255134





public void movePlayer(String keyDown, GameTime gameTime) 
     if (keyDown == "up") 
      movingUp = true; 
      // Could be type Vector2 or something else, depends on what playerPosition is. 
      playerMoveDestination = new Vector2(playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y - 32); 

     if (movingUp) 
      // Calculates the distance from the destination tile. 
      // When the distance is small enough you want to snap to the tile to avoid 
      // overshooting. In this case the snap distance is 2 or less pixels because the 
      // character moves 2 pixels per frame. 
      if (playerPosition.Y - playerMoveDestination.Y < 2) 
       playerPosition.Y = playerMoveDestination.Y; 
       movingUp = false; 
       playerPosition.Y -= 2; 

     if (keyDown == "down") 
      movingDown = true; 
      // Could be type Vector2 or something else, depends on what playerPosition is. 
      playerMoveDestination = new Vector2(playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y + 32); 
     if (movingDown) 
      // Calculates the distance from the destination tile. 
      // When the distance is small enough you want to snap to the tile to avoid 
      // overshooting. In this case the snap distance is 2 or less pixels because the 
      // character moves 2 pixels per frame. 
      if (playerPosition.Y + playerMoveDestination.Y < 2) 
       playerPosition.Y = playerMoveDestination.Y; 
       movingDown = false; 
       playerPosition.Y += 2; 

我初始化 「playerMoveDestination」 以及類似的movingDown /向上布爾:

bool movingUp = false; // Set to true when keyDown == "up". 
    bool movingDown = false; 

    Vector2 playerMoveDestination; 

我把它們上面的 「movePlayer」 功能。
