2015-06-14 87 views


public struct iBounds { 

public double x1, x2; 
public double y1, y2; 
public double z1, z2; 

public struct iPoint {   

    public double x,y,z 


Dictionary<String, iBounds> RegionBounds = new Dictionary<String, iBounds>(); 
List<iPoint> PointsToCategorize = new List<iPoint>(); 

int no_of_bounding_boxes = 300; 
int no_of_points_to_categorize = 1000; 

for (int i = 1; i <= no_of_bounding_boxes; i++) 

    String boundingBoxName = "bound_" + i; 
    iBounds boundingBox = new iBounds 

     x1 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas, 
     x2 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas, 
     y1 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas, 
     y2 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas, 
     z1 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas, 
     z2 = Computed By Some Other method and Formulas 


    RegionBounds.Add(boundingBoxName, boundingBox); 

    ////////////Start of Output section ///////////////////////// 

for(int i= 1; i < = PointsToCategorize.Count; i++){ 

    foreach(var pair in RegionBounds) 
    String myboxNmame = pair.Key; 
    iBounds myboxBounds = pair.Value; 


////////////// End of Output section ////////////////// 

private bool PointInside(iPoint mypoint, iBounds boxToBeCheckedIn) 
    if (mypoint.x > boxToBeCheckedIn.x1) && (mypoint.x < boxToBeCheckedIn.x2){ 
     if (mypoint.y > boxToBeCheckedIn.y1) && (mypoint.y < boxToBeCheckedIn.y2){ 
      if (mypoint.z > boxToBeCheckedIn.z1) && (mypoint.z < boxToBeCheckedIn.z2){ 
       return true; 
     return false; 


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this article請參閱本節2-d正交範圍的搜索,,它有可用的技術和算法,這是很容易擴展到3D