如果我可以翻譯<>''它應該工作。我已經googled很多,但沒有找到任何awnsers ..即時通訊沒有編碼經驗,所以也許有人可以幫助我。
"from tsdsmd trip "
" left outer join "
" ( "
" select tsroma.* from tsroma "
" where tsroma.tstohn <> '' "
" ) leg "
" on trip.dosvlg = leg.tsrido "
" left outer join dosier shipment "
" on leg.dosvlg = shipment.dosvlg "
" left outer join "
" ( "
" select * from tsdsco "
" where laloin = 1 and volgnr = 1 "
" ) tsdsco1 "
" on leg.dosvlg = tsdsco1.dosvlg "
" left outer join "
" ( "
" select * from tsdsco "
" where laloin = 2 and volgnr = 1 "
" ) tsdsco2 "
" on leg.dosvlg = tsdsco2.dosvlg "
"from "
" \"dkf_tsdsmd\" trip "
" "
" left outer join "
" (select * from \"dkf_tsroma\" where \"tstohn\" != '') leg "
" on trip.\"dosvlg\" = leg.\"tsrido\" "
" "
" left outer join "
" \"dkf_tsdsmd\" shipment "
" on leg.\"dosvlg\" = shipment.\"dosvlg\" "
" "
" left outer join "
" ( "
" select "
" \"fileNumber\" \"dosvlg\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"relationSearchname\" else null end) \"zoek0\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"nameLine1\" else null end) \"tsnam10\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"streetLine1\" else null end) \"tsadr10\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"countryCode\" else null end) \"land0\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"placeName\" else null end) \"tscity0\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 0 then \"postcode\" else null end) \"postun0\", "
" "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"relationSearchname\" else null end) \"zoek1\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"nameLine1\" else null end) \"tsnam11\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"streetLine1\" else null end) \"tsadr11\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"countryCode\" else null end) \"land1\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"placeName\" else null end) \"tscity1\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 1 then \"postcode\" else null end) \"postun1\", "
" "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"relationSearchname\" else null end) \"zoek3\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"nameLine1\" else null end) \"tsnam13\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"streetLine1\" else null end) \"tsadr13\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"countryCode\" else null end) \"land3\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"placeName\" else null end) \"tscity3\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 3 then \"postcode\" else null end) \"postun3\", "
" "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"relationSearchname\" else null end) \"zoek4\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"nameLine1\" else null end) \"tsnam14\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"streetLine1\" else null end) \"tsadr14\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"countryCode\" else null end) \"land4\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"placeName\" else null end) \"tscity4\", "
" max(case when \"addressRole\" = 4 then \"postcode\" else null end) \"postun4\" "
" from "
" \"dkf_v_cw_fileAddress\" "
" group by "
" \"fileNumber\" "
" ) tsdnaw "
" on leg.\"dosvlg\" = tsdnaw.\"dosvlg\" "
" "
" left outer join "
" ( "
" select "
" \"dkf_tsdsco\".\"dosvlg\" \"dosvlg\", "
" max(case when \"laloin\" = 1 and \"volgnr\" = 1 then \"tsfrti\" else null end) \"tsfrti1\", "
" max(case when \"laloin\" = 1 and \"volgnr\" = 1 then \"tsttim\" else null end) \"tsttim1\", "
" max(case when \"laloin\" = 2 and \"volgnr\" = 1 then \"tsfrti\" else null end) \"tsfrti2\", "
" max(case when \"laloin\" = 2 and \"volgnr\" = 1 then \"tsttim\" else null end) \"tsttim2\" "
" from "
" \"dkf_tsdsco\" "
" group by "
" \"dosvlg\" "
" ) tsdsco "
" on leg.\"dosvlg\" = tsdsco.\"dosvlg\" "