可以爲紋理設置哪些內部紋理格式以及如何設置?Flash/AIR Stage3D紋理格式,浮點紋理?
我有點困惑,因爲在線幫助flash.display3d.context3d :: createTexture()規定:
Note that 32-bit integer textures are stored in a packed BGRA format to match the Flash BitmapData format. Floating point textures use a conventional RGBA format.
所以 - 浮點紋理的支持?但話又說回來,flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFormat只有兩個常量:
BGRA : A texture with colors defined with 8-bit color components in the order: blue, green, red, alpha.
COMPRESSED : A texture in the Adobe Texture Format.
那麼 - 是否支持浮點紋理(RGBA每像素128bit或深度紋理支持32bit),如果有,如何創建它們?是否有可能渲染成浮點紋理?