use std.textio.all;
use std.env.all;
entity counter_tb is
architecture testbench of counter_tb is
signal clk: bit;
signal check: integer;
-- instantiate the unit under test
uut: entity work.counter port map(clk => clk, check => check);
-- generate a clock pulse with a 20 ns period
clk <= not clk after 10 ns;
run_tests: process is
-- declare an array with all expected output values
type integer_vector is array(natural range<>) of integer;
constant EXPECTED_RESULTS: integer_vector := (
0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
variable log_line: line;
-- loop through all expected values and ensure that
-- they match the actual output value
for i in EXPECTED_RESULTS'range loop
wait until rising_edge(clk);
"i: " & to_string(i) &
", check: " & to_string(check) &
", expected: " & to_string(EXPECTED_RESULTS(i))
writeline(output, log_line);
assert check = EXPECTED_RESULTS(i);
end loop;
report "End of simulation. All tests passed.";
end process;
# Loading std.standard
# Loading std.textio(body)
# Loading std.env(body)
# Loading work.counter_tb(testbench)
# Loading work.counter(imp)
# run -all
# i: 0, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 1, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 2, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 3, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 4, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 5, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 6, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 7, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 8, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 9, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 10, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 11, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 12, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 13, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 14, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 15, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 16, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 17, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 18, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 19, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 20, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 21, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 22, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 23, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 24, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 25, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 26, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 27, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 28, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 29, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 30, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 31, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 32, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 33, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 34, check: 4, expected: 4
# ** Note: End of simulation. All tests passed.
# Time: 690 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /counter_tb
vlib work
vcom -2008 *.vhd
vsim -c counter_tb(testbench) -do "run -all; quit"
這非常簡單和有用 – Hassan