2013-12-20 60 views

我正在開發使用Unity 3D的Vuforia AR應用程序。我想根據UI操作更改其他模型。使用Vuforia和Unity交換3D模型


using UnityEngine; 

    using System.Collections; 

    public class ModelSwapper : MonoBehaviour { 

    // public TrackableBehaviour theTrackable; 

    private GameObject theTrackable; 

    private GameObject cube; 

    private bool mSwapModel = false; 

    public Transform MyPrefab; 

    // Use this for initialization 

    void Start() { 

    cube = GameObject.Find("Cow"); 

    if (theTrackable == null) 


       Debug.Log ("Warning: Trackable not set !!"); 



    // Update is called once per frame 

    void Update() { 

    if (mSwapModel && theTrackable != null) { 


       mSwapModel = false; 



    void OnGUI() { 

      if (GUI.Button (new Rect(50,50,120,40), "Swap Model")) { 

       mSwapModel = true; 



     private void SwapModel() 


      GameObject trackableGameObject = theTrackable.gameObject; 

      //disable any pre-existing augmentation 

      for (int i = 0; i < trackableGameObject.transform.GetChildCount(); i++) 


       Transform child = trackableGameObject.transform.GetChild(i); 

       child.gameObject.active = false;    


      // Create a simple cube object 

      //GameObject model = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); 

      if (MyPrefab != null) 


       Transform model = GameObject.Instantiate(MyPrefab) as Transform; 

       // Re-parent the model as child of the trackable gameObject 

       model.parent = theTrackable.transform; 

       // Adjust the position and scale 

       // so that it fits nicely on the target 

       model.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0.2f,0); 

       model.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;//you might need to adjust the rotation 

       model.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f); 

       // Make sure it is active 

       model.active = true; 




enter image description here

enter image description here


我可以推薦你檢查[this](http://answers.unity3d.com/index.html)鏈接,你可能會發現你的答案更快。 –


@ShaunWild它取決於。最快的方法是X張貼;-) – Kay


@凱,非常真實 –





我不明白。 – user3073276