2014-09-05 70 views

嗨:我試圖在R中獲得這個函數的代碼,但是沒有辦法。 R中有一個名爲mecdf的包,但現在不可用。請有人幫助我嗎?R中的二元經驗累積分佈函數代碼


如何檢索的[舊版本的軟件包,(http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib /存檔/ mecdf /)? – 2014-09-05 12:41:42



@VincentGuillemot將答案作爲評論 - 不贊成使用的軟件包存檔在CRAN上。



mecdf = function (x, continuous=FALSE, ..., 
    validate=TRUE, expand=continuous, project=FALSE, expandf=0.1) 
    { x = cbind (x) 
    nraw = nr = nrow (x) 
    nc = ncol (x) 
    if (validate) 
    { if (length (list (...)) > 0) 
      stop ("invalid constructor argument") 
     if (!is.numeric (x)) stop ("x must be numeric") 
     if (!all (is.finite (x))) stop ("all x must be finite") 
     for (j in 1:nc) if (length (unique (x [,j])) < 2) 
      stop ("each variable requires at least 2 distinct realisations") 
     if (nc == 1) x [] = sort (x) 
     if (is.null (colnames (x))) colnames (x) = paste ("x", 1:ncol (x), sep="") 
     if (is.null (rownames (x))) rownames (x) = 1:nr 
    if (expand) 
    { nr = nr + 2 
     a = b = numeric (nc) 
     for (j in 1:nc) 
     { xrng = range (x [,j]) 
      xf = expandf * diff (xrng) 
      a [j] = xrng [1] - xf 
      b [j] = xrng [2] + xf 
     x = rbind (a, x, b) 
    if (project) 
     for (j in 1:nc) x [,j] = (order (order (x [,j])) - 1)/(nr - 1) 
    Fh = Fst = NULL 
    if (nc > 1) 
    { if (continuous) 
     { Fh = .mecdf.continuous 
      Fst = .mecdf.vertex 
     else Fh = FUNCTION (.mecdf.step) 
    { if (continuous) Fh = .uecdf.continuous 
     else Fh =.uecdf.step 
    extend (FUNCTION (.mecdf.main), "mecdf", continuous, Fh, Fst, nraw, nr, nc, x) 

    .mecdf.main = function (u) 
    { if (.$nc > 1) 
    { if (!is.matrix (u)) u = rbind (u) 
     if (.$nc != ncol (u)) 
      stop ("k-variate mecdf requires k-column matrix") 
     .mecdf.interpolate (.$Fh, .$Fst, .$nr, .$nc, .$x, u) 
    { if (is.matrix (u) && ncol (u) > 1) 
      stop ("univariate mecdf doesn't accept multicolumn matrix") 
     .uecdf.interpolate (.$Fh, .$nr, .$x, u) 

    print.mecdf = function (m, ...) 
    { variate = if (m$nc == 1) "univariate" 
    else if (m$nc == 2) "bivariate" 
    else paste (m$nc, "-variate", sep="") 
    type = if (m$continuous) "continuous" else "step" 
    cat ("mecdf_{", variate, ", ", type, "}\n", sep="") 
    print (samp (m$x)) 

    plot.mecdf = function (m, ...) 
    { p = m (m$x) 
    if (m$nc == 1) .uecdf.plot (m, p, m$continuous, ...) 
    else if (m$nc == 2) .becdf.plot (m, p, ...) 
    else stop ("s3x_plot.mecdf only supports univariate and bivariate models") 

    .uecdf.plot = function (e, p, continuous, ...) 
    { xlab = colnames (e$x) 
    ylab = "Fh(x)" 
    if (continuous) 
     plot (e$x, p, ylim=c (0, 1), yaxs="i", type="l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) 
    { plot (e$x, p, ylim=c (0, 1), yaxs="i", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=NA, ...) 
     x1 = e$x [-e$nr] 
     x2 = e$x [-1] 
     p0 = p [-e$nr] 
     segments (x1, p0, x2, p0) 
     segments (e$x, c (0, p), e$x, c (p, 1)) 

    .becdf.plot = function (e, p, lines=TRUE, lty=1, col=rgb (0.975, 0.7, 0), ...) 
    { labs = colnames (e$x) 
    x1 = e$x [,1]; x2 = e$x [,2] 
    plot (x1, x2, xlab=labs [1], ylab=labs [2], pch=NA, ...) 
    if (lines) 
    { segments (x1, x2, x1 - 2 * diff (range (x1)), x2, lty=lty, col=col) 
     segments (x1, x2, x1, x2 - 2 * diff (range (x2)), lty=lty, col=col) 
    text (x1, x2, round (p, 2)) 

非常感謝:) – 2014-09-12 11:20:41


@QuintinCopete你有沒有得到這個工作?在哪個版本的R?我在3.2中遇到各種麻煩。 – 2015-09-25 20:11:51