2016-11-22 32 views

我的問題類似於R: using predict() on new data with high dimensionality,但對於Stata如何使用PCA模型預測Stata中新數據的分數?



global xlist2a std_agreedisagree1_1_a std_revagreedisagree1_2_a std_revagreedisagree1_3_a std_agreedisagree1_4_a std_revagreedisagree1_10_a std_revagreedisagree1_5_a 
pca $xlist2a 
screeplot, yline(1)  
rotate, clear  
pca $xlist2a, com(3) 
rotate, varimax blanks (.30) 
predict pca5_p1b pca5_p2b pca5_p3b, score 


global xlist2a std_agreedisagree1_1_a std_revagreedisagree1_2_a std_revagreedisagree1_3_a std_agreedisagree1_4_a std_revagreedisagree1_10_a std_revagreedisagree1_5_a 
pca $xlist2a if zgroupa10==1 
screeplot, yline(1)  
rotate, clear  
pca $xlist2a if zgroupa10==1, com(3) 
rotate, varimax blanks (.30) 
predict pca5_p1b pca5_p2b pca5_p3b, score 

這裏的好問題顯示**一些**代碼嘗試。 –


謝謝,我編輯了這篇文章以包含代碼。 – emily004


感謝您添加代碼,但上面的代碼在** all **上對某些變量的觀察結果運行'pca',然後對所有觀察結果進行'預測'。這不是你應該做的,但你的評論低於我的答案意味着你的真實代碼應用了所需的方法。 –




. sysuse auto, clear 
(1978 Automobile Data) 

. pca headroom trunk length displacement if foreign 

Principal components/correlation     Number of obs =   22 
               Number of comp. =   4 
               Trace   =   4 
    Rotation: (unrotated = principal)   Rho    =  1.0000 

     Component | Eigenvalue Difference   Proportion Cumulative 
      Comp1 |  1.93666  .656823    0.4842  0.4842 
      Comp2 |  1.27983  .615381    0.3200  0.8041 
      Comp3 |  .664453  .545396    0.1661  0.9702 
      Comp4 |  .119057   .    0.0298  1.0000 

Principal components (eigenvectors) 

     Variable | Comp1  Comp2  Comp3  Comp4 | Unexplained 
     headroom | 0.0288 0.7373 0.6749 0.0083 |   0 
      trunk | 0.2443 0.6496 -0.7199 -0.0090 |   0 
      length | 0.6849 -0.1313 0.1229 -0.7061 |   0 
    displacement | 0.6858 -0.1313 0.1054 0.7080 |   0 

. predict score1 score2 if !foreign 
(score assumed) 
(2 components skipped) 

Scoring coefficients 
    sum of squares(column-loading) = 1 

     Variable | Comp1  Comp2  Comp3  Comp4 
     headroom | 0.0288 0.7373 0.6749 0.0083 
      trunk | 0.2443 0.6496 -0.7199 -0.0090 
      length | 0.6849 -0.1313 0.1229 -0.7061 
    displacement | 0.6858 -0.1313 0.1054 0.7080 


在我沒有插入zgroup10 == 1之前,你幫我回答了我的問題,並且插入了zgroup10 == 1,它工作正常。謝謝你的耐心。 – emily004
