System.out.println ("You enter a room and look around, in it, you see three doors, a red door labeled A, a blue door labeled B, and a green door labeled C. Which door do you choose to go through? Enter, A, B, or C");
String correctdoor = scanner.next();
A = "A".equalsIgnoreCase(correctdoor);
System.out.println("You have chosen wrong! You have fallen into a pit! Lucky for you though, the pit is easy to climb out of and you return to the room....\n\n\n");
System.out.println("You progress through the door and find 5 light switches, you must turn them on in order to progress further. Enter the correct combination (using digits 1-5) here please. HINT - the 2nd and 4th numbers add up to the first number and the last number is NOT 5");
int lightcode = scanner.nextInt();
while (!(lightcode == 31425)){System.out.println ("That combination is incorrect");}
System.out.println ("The door unlocks and you go down a set of stairs");
爲什麼不輸入''A'選擇了錯誤!爲什麼第二個'while'不會無限循環? – 2014-09-28 05:37:12
,因爲A是正確的答案,它將它們帶出循環。 – METEORITES 2014-09-28 05:38:34
您如何看待代碼執行?如果一個聲明在另一個聲明之後出現,是否應該在其他聲明之後執行? – 2014-09-28 05:40:14