How would you represent a Rubik's Cube in code?
Rotation Pseudocode:
map each cube numbers 1-54, faces 1 – 4 are 1 – 36 while top face is 37 - 45 and bottom is 46 – 54
1 turn: clockwise = +9
1 turn: counterclockwise = -9 loops back to 45
1 turn: up = + 37
1 turn: down = -37 loops back to 46
2 turns: clockwise = +9(2)
2 turns: counterclockwise = -9(2)
2 turns: up = +37(2)
2 turns: down = -37(2)
3 turns: clockwise = +9(3)
3 turns: counterclockwise = -9(3)
3 turns: up = +37(3)
3 turns: down = -37(3)
123 741
456 852
789 963
public class Facets {
public Color color;
public Facets(Color color){
public enum Color {
B, G, R, Y, O, P
public String getName(){
return this.color.name();
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Face {
public Facets[] face;
/*public Face(Facets.Color color, Facets.Color[] array){
face = new Facets[9];
for(int i = 0; i < face.length; i++){
face[i] = new Facets(array[i]);
face[i] = new Facets(color);
public Face(Facets.Color color){
face = new Facets[9];
for(int i = 0; i < face.length; i++){
face[i] = new Facets(color);
public Face(Facets.Color[] array){
face = new Facets[9];
for (int i = 0; i < face.length; i++){
face[i] = new Facets(array[i]);
//face[i] = face[i].toString();
//Returns a textual representation of Face
public String printFace(){
StringBuilder faceString = new StringBuilder();
for(Facets f: face){
return faceString.toString();
public static void main(String[] args){
Face face = new Face(Facets.Color.B);
public class Cube {
public Cube(Face front, Face right, Face back, Face left, Face top, Face bottom){
public Cube createCube(){
public Cube rotate(int row, int column, String direction, int turns){
/*Turns must be between 0 - 4
Row must be 1 or 2, column must be 1 or 2, direction must be clockwise, counterclockwise, up or down (0 means no turn, 1 is top row or left column; 2 is bottom row or right column)
public int turns(){
public Cube row(){
public Cube column(){
public Cube clockwise(){
public Cube counterClockwise(){
public Cube up(){
public Cube down(){
public Cube random(Cube cube){
public Cube configuration(Cube cube){
public class RubiksCube {
public RubiksCube(Cube cube){
public RubiksCube(Face front, Face rightOfFront, Face back, Face leftOfFront, Face top, Face bottom){
//calls face and colors and initializes the arrays into a object
//default config: solid color on each side so each array, representing a face, is set to a solid color
public void createNewCube(){
public void rotation(Cube cube, int row, int column, String direction, int turns){
public Cube configuration(Cube cube){//should return 6 Faces? or cube?
return cube;
到目前爲止你的代碼是什麼? – dave
我剛剛添加了代碼。我把它分成4個類,Face由Facets組成,6個Faces組成一個Cube,然後Rubik的Cube生成和操作這個Cube。 –
我這樣做[四元數旋轉不作爲例外](http://stackoverflow.com/a/39024016/2521214) – Spektre