我目前正在構建樹狀圖,我正在使用'dendextend'來調整它的外觀。 我已經能夠做到我想做的一切(標記樹葉並突出顯示我選擇的簇的分支),除了圍繞預定義的簇繪製矩形。使用'dendextend'在樹狀圖中指定標籤周圍繪製矩形
idnames <- dimnames(ibs_mat)[[1]]
ibs.pv <- pvclust(ibs_mat, nboot=1000)
ibs.clust <- pvpick(ibs.pv, alpha=0.95)
names(ibs.clust$clusters) <- paste0("Cluster", 1:length(ibs.clust$clusters))
# Choose a colour palette
pal <- brewer.pal(length(ibs.clust$clusters), "Paired")
# Transform the list to a dataframe
ibs_meta <- bind_rows(lapply(names(ibs.clust$clusters),
function(l) data.frame(Cluster=l, Sample = ibs.clust$clusters[[l]])))
# Add the rest of the non-clustered samples (and assign them as Cluster0), add colour to each cluster
ibs_table <- ibs_meta %>%
rbind(., data.frame(Cluster = "Cluster0",
Sample = idnames[!idnames %in% .$Sample])) %>%
mutate(Cluster_int=as.numeric(sub("Cluster", "", Cluster))) %>%
mutate(Cluster_col=ifelse(Cluster_int==0, "#000000",
pal[Cluster_int])) %>%
.[match(ibs.pv$hclust$labels[ibs.pv$hclust$order], .$Sample),]
hcd <- as.dendrogram(ibs.pv) %>%
#pvclust_show_signif(ibs.pv, show_type = "lwd", signif_value = c(2, 1),alpha=0.25) %>%
set("leaves_pch", ifelse(ibs_table$Cluster_int>0,19,18)) %>% # node point type
set("leaves_cex", 1) %>% # node point size
set("leaves_col", ibs_table$Cluster_col) %>% #node point color
branches_attr_by_labels(ibs_meta$Sample, TF_values = c(2, Inf), attr = c("lwd")) %>% # change branch width
# rect.dendrogram(k=12, cluster = ibs_table$Cluster_int, border = 8, lty = 5, lwd = 1.5,
# lower_rect = 0) %>% # add rectangles around clusters
plot(main="Barramundi samples IBS based clustering")
pvrect(ibs.pv, alpha=0.95, lwd=1.5)
請提供最低重複性的數據,我們可以運行你的代碼,例如粘貼'dput(ibs_mat)'或子集 – Djork
@ R.S的輸出。在問題中添加了由'dput(ibs_mat)'創建的示例文件。 – IsoBar
'idnames'函數來自哪裏,請清除您的工作空間並重新運行您的代碼以確保所有內容都包含在上面的代碼中,包括需要安裝的所有庫。 – Djork