public enum PieceType {
PAWN('p', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
final boolean willKill = pieceOnEndTile != null && pieceOnEndTile.getTeam() != team;
int direction = -1; // to distinguish between the dy of black and white
if (team == PieceTeam.BLACK) {
direction = 1; // for black pawns, dy is positive, for white it's
// negative
dy = dy * direction;
boolean isKilling = willKill && dy == 1 && abs(dx) == 1;
boolean isMoving1 = dy == 1 && dx == 0 && pieceOnEndTile == null;
boolean isMoving2 = dy == 2 && dx == 0 && pieceOnEndTile == null && !piece.hasBeenMoved();
return isKilling || isMoving1 || isMoving2;
}), BISHOP('b', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
return abs(dy) == abs(dx) && tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(pieceOnEndTile, team) && !pieceInWay(board, move, team);
}), KNIGHT('k', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
boolean isCorrectMove = (abs(dy) == abs(2 * dx) || (abs(dx) == abs(2 * dy))) && abs(dy) <= 2 && abs(dx) <= 2;
return isCorrectMove && tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(pieceOnEndTile, team);
}), ROOK('r', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
return (abs(dy) >= 1 && abs(dx) == 0 || abs(dx) >= 1 && abs(dy) == 0) && tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(pieceOnEndTile, team) && !pieceInWay(board, move, team);
}), QUEEN('Q', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
return (abs(dy) == abs(dx) || abs(dy) >= 1 && abs(dx) == 0 || abs(dx) >= 1 && abs(dy) == 0) && tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(pieceOnEndTile, team) && !pieceInWay(board, move, team);
}), KING('K', (piece, pieceOnEndTile, board, move) -> {
PieceTeam team = piece.getTeam();
int dx = move.getdx();
int dy = move.getdy();
return abs(dy) <= 1 && abs(dx) <= 1 && tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(pieceOnEndTile, team);
public final IsLegalMove isLegalMove;
public final char representation;
private PieceType(final char representation, final IsLegalMove isLegalMove) {
this.isLegalMove = isLegalMove;
this.representation = representation;
private static boolean tileIsEmptyOrEnemy(GamePiece piece, PieceTeam currentTeam) {
return piece == null || piece.getTeam() != currentTeam;
private static boolean pieceInWay(GamePiece[][] board, Move move, PieceTeam team) {
int changerx = (int) Math.signum(move.getdx());
int changery = (int) Math.signum(move.getdy());
for (int x = move.start.x + changerx, y = move.start.y + changery; x < move.end.x; x += changerx, y += changery) {
if (board[y][x] != null) {
return true;
return false;
public static interface IsLegalMove {
public boolean call(GamePiece piece, GamePiece pieceOnEndTile, GamePiece[][] board, Move move);
難道是'y = move.start.y + changery',y沒有聲明爲int。你得到什麼樣的錯誤? –
一旦程序變得複雜,你確實需要一個測試工具來保持一切正常。像'testPawn()','testBishop()'和'testPieceInWay()'這樣的簡單方法將幫助你隔離錯誤並避免複雜的調試。 [某些信息在這裏。](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UnitTest.html) – markspace
哪些景點?哪些部分?在哪個委員會州? – RealSkeptic