import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
public class MissingSide {
static java.util.Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args){
int firstSideGiven = 0;
int hypotenuseGiven = 0;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Are you trying to figure out a missing side given the hypotenuse and another side?");
System.out.println("Then this is the place :)");
System.out.print("What is the value of the first side, other than the hypotenuse?");
if (userInput.hasNextInt()) {
firstSideGiven = userInput.nextInt();
System.out.println("Give me somthing else to work with!");
System.out.println("What is your hypotenuse?");
if (userInput.hasNextInt()){
hypotenuseGiven = userInput.nextInt();
System.out.print("Wait, I want you to think about what you are doing with your life.");
System.out.println("Your missing side is: " + (Math.sqrt((Math.pow(hypotenuseGiven, 2)-Math.pow(firstSideGiven, 2)))));
如果你向我們展示了嘗試和錯誤 – Li357
如果你正在製作菜單驅動程序,開關盒可以更好地工作 –
如果用戶沒有提供整數,那麼wouldn'你想要回去再試一次還是退出程序?第一個需要一個循環。顯而易見的退出方式是將main方法的其餘行放入if語句中 - 所以是的,如果其他情況發生,您將會有其他內容。 –