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你看着'convexityDefects'? http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/structural_analysis_and_shape_descriptors.html#convexitydefects – zeFrenchy


@zeFrenchy是的,凸包圖像中的紅點來自閾值凸起缺陷的結果。我無法想象如何從那裏繼續的算法。 – Micka


得到你,從來沒有使用過它,但我只是把它放在那裏,以防萬一:) – zeFrenchy





  1. 查找輪廓
  2. 缺陷如果我發現至少有兩個缺陷,找到最接近的兩個缺陷
  3. 從輪廓上取下兩個最接近的缺陷
  4. 之間的分
  5. 從新輪廓上的1重新啓動


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#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 
using namespace cv; 
using namespace std; 

int ed2(const Point& lhs, const Point& rhs) 
    return (lhs.x - rhs.x)*(lhs.x - rhs.x) + (lhs.y - rhs.y)*(lhs.y - rhs.y); 

vector<Point> removeFromContour(const vector<Point>& contour, const vector<int>& defectsIdx) 
    int minDist = INT_MAX; 
    int startIdx; 
    int endIdx; 

    // Find nearest defects 
    for (int i = 0; i < defectsIdx.size(); ++i) 
     for (int j = i + 1; j < defectsIdx.size(); ++j) 
      float dist = ed2(contour[defectsIdx[i]], contour[defectsIdx[j]]); 
      if (minDist > dist) 
       minDist = dist; 
       startIdx = defectsIdx[i]; 
       endIdx = defectsIdx[j]; 

    // Check if intervals are swapped 
    if (startIdx <= endIdx) 
     int len1 = endIdx - startIdx; 
     int len2 = contour.size() - endIdx + startIdx; 
     if (len2 < len1) 
      swap(startIdx, endIdx); 
     int len1 = startIdx - endIdx; 
     int len2 = contour.size() - startIdx + endIdx; 
     if (len1 < len2) 
      swap(startIdx, endIdx); 

    // Remove unwanted points 
    vector<Point> out; 
    if (startIdx <= endIdx) 
     out.insert(out.end(), contour.begin(), contour.begin() + startIdx); 
     out.insert(out.end(), contour.begin() + endIdx, contour.end()); 
     out.insert(out.end(), contour.begin() + endIdx, contour.begin() + startIdx); 

    return out; 

int main() 
    Mat1b img = imread("path_to_mask", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); 

    Mat3b out; 
    cvtColor(img, out, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); 

    vector<vector<Point>> contours; 
    findContours(img.clone(), contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); 

    vector<Point> pts = contours[0]; 

    vector<int> hullIdx; 
    convexHull(pts, hullIdx, false); 

    vector<Vec4i> defects; 
    convexityDefects(pts, hullIdx, defects); 

    while (true) 
     // For debug 
     Mat3b dbg; 
     cvtColor(img, dbg, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); 

     vector<vector<Point>> tmp = {pts}; 
     drawContours(dbg, tmp, 0, Scalar(255, 127, 0)); 

     vector<int> defectsIdx; 
     for (const Vec4i& v : defects) 
      float depth = float(v[3])/256.f; 
      if (depth > 2) // filter defects by depth 
       // Defect found 

       int startidx = v[0]; Point ptStart(pts[startidx]); 
       int endidx = v[1]; Point ptEnd(pts[endidx]); 
       int faridx = v[2]; Point ptFar(pts[faridx]); 

       line(dbg, ptStart, ptEnd, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1); 
       line(dbg, ptStart, ptFar, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1); 
       line(dbg, ptEnd, ptFar, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1); 
       circle(dbg, ptFar, 4, Scalar(127, 127, 255), 2); 

     if (defectsIdx.size() < 2) 

     // If I have more than two defects, remove the points between the two nearest defects 
     pts = removeFromContour(pts, defectsIdx); 
     convexHull(pts, hullIdx, false); 
     convexityDefects(pts, hullIdx, defects); 

    // Draw result contour 
    vector<vector<Point>> tmp = { pts }; 
    drawContours(out, tmp, 0, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1); 

    imshow("Result", out); 

    return 0; 




// Check if intervals are swapped 
if (startIdx <= endIdx) 
    //int len11 = endIdx - startIdx; 
    vector<Point> inside(contour.begin() + startIdx, contour.begin() + endIdx); 
    int len1 = (inside.empty()) ? 0 : arcLength(inside, false); 

    //int len22 = contour.size() - endIdx + startIdx; 
    vector<Point> outside1(contour.begin(), contour.begin() + startIdx); 
    vector<Point> outside2(contour.begin() + endIdx, contour.end()); 
    int len2 = (outside1.empty() ? 0 : arcLength(outside1, false)) + (outside2.empty() ? 0 : arcLength(outside2, false)); 

    if (len2 < len1) 
     swap(startIdx, endIdx); 
    //int len1 = startIdx - endIdx; 
    vector<Point> inside(contour.begin() + endIdx, contour.begin() + startIdx); 
    int len1 = (inside.empty()) ? 0 : arcLength(inside, false); 

    //int len2 = contour.size() - startIdx + endIdx; 
    vector<Point> outside1(contour.begin(), contour.begin() + endIdx); 
    vector<Point> outside2(contour.begin() + startIdx, contour.end()); 
    int len2 = (outside1.empty() ? 0 : arcLength(outside1, false)) + (outside2.empty() ? 0 : arcLength(outside2, false)); 

    if (len1 < len2) 
     swap(startIdx, endIdx); 

謝謝,我會試試看。 – Micka


@Micka可能通過上述代碼的更明智的實現,使用近似輪廓(類似CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE),這實際上可能非常快。如果您發現某些功能符合您的要求,可以發佈一個答案,它可能非常有用:D – Miki


目前決定是否進行交換是由輪廓內的索引距離決定的?這可能是爲什麼'CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE'有時會將錯誤的部分裁剪掉(錯誤的方向)?可能arcLength是一個合適的啓發式代替嗎? – Micka


作爲一個起點,假設相對於您嘗試識別的對象來說缺陷永遠不會太大,您可以在使用cv::matchShapes之前嘗試一個簡單的erode +擴張策略,如下所示。

int max = 40; // depending on expected object and defect size 
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("example.png"); 
cv::Mat eroded, dilated; 
cv::Mat element = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE, cv::Size(max*2,max*2), cv::Point(max,max)); 
cv::erode(img, eroded, element); 
cv::dilate(eroded, dilated, element); 
cv::imshow("original", img); 
cv::imshow("eroded", eroded); 
cv::imshow("dilated", dilated); 

enter image description here


問題是,對象大小可能會有所不同,所以我不能修復'max'。你是否有任何關於如何選擇'max'的假設取決於一些可提取的輪廓的屬性,如boundind矩形,輪廓區域或類似的? – Micka


您可以不使用當前正在測試的blob最大維度的百分比嗎?只是一個想法。 – zeFrenchy


你也可以嘗試增加侵蝕/擴張的量,直到你找到你正在尋找的東西或沒有任何東西被侵蝕。 – zeFrenchy



  • 鴻溝掩蔽(填充的)在沿着x軸的一半圖像,這樣得到的兩個區域(上半部和下半部)
  • 採取的每個區域的投影上與x軸
  • 採取這些預測的所有非零條目,並採取他們的中位數。這些中值給出了y邊界
  • 類似地,將圖像沿y軸分成兩半,將投影置於y軸上,然後計算中值以獲得x邊界
  • 使用邊界裁剪區域

中線和樣本圖像上半部分的投影如下所示。 proj-n-med-line

結果限值和裁剪區域爲兩個樣品: s1 s2

的代碼在八度/ Matlab的,並且我測試此上八度(你需要的圖像包來運行此)。

clear all 
close all 

im = double(imread('kTouF.png')); 
[r, c] = size(im); 
% top half 
p = sum(im(1:int32(end/2), :), 1); 
y1 = -median(p(find(p > 0))) + int32(r/2); 
% bottom half 
p = sum(im(int32(end/2):end, :), 1); 
y2 = median(p(find(p > 0))) + int32(r/2); 
% left half 
p = sum(im(:, 1:int32(end/2)), 2); 
x1 = -median(p(find(p > 0))) + int32(c/2); 
% right half 
p = sum(im(:, int32(end/2):end), 2); 
x2 = median(p(find(p > 0))) + int32(c/2); 

% crop the image using the bounds 
rect = [x1 y1 x2-x1 y2-y1]; 
cr = imcrop(im, rect); 
im2 = zeros(size(im)); 
im2(y1:y2, x1:x2) = cr; 

axis equal 
subplot(1, 2, 1) 
hold on 
plot([x1 x2 x2 x1 x1], [y1 y1 y2 y2 y1], 'g-') 
hold off 
subplot(1, 2, 2) 