2014-02-28 38 views

考慮以下問題: projection優化函數來計算線上點的投影?


// Computation of the coordinates of P 
inline std::array<double, 3> P(const std::array<double, 3>& A, 
           const std::array<double, 3>& B, 
           const std::array<double, 3>& M) 
    // The most inefficient version in the world (to be verified) 
    std::array<double, 3> AB = {B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1], B[2]-A[2]}; 
    std::array<double, 3> AM = {M[0]-A[0], M[1]-A[1], M[2]-A[2]}; 
    double norm = std::sqrt(AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]); 
    double dot = AB[0]*AM[0]+AB[1]*AM[1]+AB[2]*AM[2]; 
    double d1 = dot/norm; 
    std::array<double, 3> AP = {AB[0]/d1, AB[1]/d1, AB[2]/d1}; 
    std::array<double, 3> P = {AP[0]-A[0], AP[1]-A[1], AP[2]-A[2]}; 
    return P; 

// Computation of the distance d0 
inline double d0(const std::array<double, 3>& A, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& B, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& M) 
    // The most inefficient version in the world (to be verified) 
    std::array<double, 3> AB = {B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1], B[2]-A[2]}; 
    std::array<double, 3> AM = {M[0]-A[0], M[1]-A[1], M[2]-A[2]}; 
    double norm = std::sqrt(AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]); 
    double dot = AB[0]*AM[0]+AB[1]*AM[1]+AB[2]*AM[2]; 
    double d1 = dot/norm; 
    std::array<double, 3> AP = {AB[0]/d1, AB[1]/d1, AB[2]/d1}; 
    std::array<double, 3> P = {AP[0]-A[0], AP[1]-A[1], AP[2]-A[2]}; 
    std::array<double, 3> MP = {P[0]-M[0], P[1]-M[1], P[2]-M[2]}; 
    double d0 = std::sqrt(MP[0]*MP[0]+MP[1]*MP[1]+MP[2]*MP[2]); 
    return d0; 

// Computation of the distance d1 
inline double d1(const std::array<double, 3>& A, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& B, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& M) 
    // The most inefficient version in the world (to be verified) 
    std::array<double, 3> AB = {B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1], B[2]-A[2]}; 
    std::array<double, 3> AM = {M[0]-A[0], M[1]-A[1], M[2]-A[2]}; 
    double norm = std::sqrt(AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]); 
    double dot = AB[0]*AM[0]+AB[1]*AM[1]+AB[2]*AM[2]; 
    double d1 = dot/norm; 

// Computation of the distance d2 
inline double d2(const std::array<double, 3>& A, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& B, 
       const std::array<double, 3>& M) 
    // The most inefficient version in the world (to be verified) 
    std::array<double, 3> AB = {B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1], B[2]-A[2]}; 
    std::array<double, 3> AM = {M[0]-A[0], M[1]-A[1], M[2]-A[2]}; 
    double norm = std::sqrt(AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]); 
    double dot = AB[0]*AM[0]+AB[1]*AM[1]+AB[2]*AM[2]; 
    double d1 = dot/norm; 
    double d2 = norm-d1; 
    return d2; 

讓每個功能將盡可能地儘可能多的優化? (我會執行這些功能十億次)。


您應該首先實施它們並對代碼進行概況分析,然後詢問如何優化故障點。 –


我添加了世界上最低效的版本(計算結果仍需要檢查) – Vincent


您不知道它是否有效並且您已經想要改進它?無論如何http://codereview.stackexchange.com –




的僞代碼從這裏 http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/elements/line/projections/

// projection of vector v1 onto v2 
inline vector3 projection(const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2) { 
    float v2_ls = v2.len_squared(); 
     return v2 * (dot(v2, v1)/v2_ls); 






P = A + t . AB給出位置P的向量方程。表示MPAB是正交的:MP . AB = 0 = (MA + t . AB) . AB,其產生t= - (MA . AB)/AB^2P

t是比率AP/AB,因此d1 = t . |AB|。同樣,d2 = (1 - t) . |AB|d0得自畢達哥拉斯,d0^2 = MA^2 - d1^2,或通過直接計算|MP|

會計:計算MA(3 ADD),AB(3 ADD),AB^2(2加,3 MUL),MA.AB(2加,3 MUL),t(1 DIV),P(3添加,3 MUL ),|AB|(1 sqrt),d1(1 mul),d2(1 add,1 mul),MA^2(2 add,3 mul),d0(1 add,1 mul,1 sqrt)。

共17個添加,15 mul,1 div,2 sqrt。


如果你想移植的代碼,所以沒有使用處理器的具體特點,我建議如下: -


2)創建一個使用懶評價拿到P,D0和D1的交集類,像這樣: -

class Intersection 
    Intersection (A, B, M) { store A, B, M; constants_calculated = false } 
    Point GetP() { CalculateConstants; Return P; } 
    double GetD0() { CalculateConstants; Return D0; } 
    double GetD1() { CalculateConstants; Return D1; } 
    if (!constants_calculate) 
     calculate and store common expressions required for P, d0 and d1 
     constants_calculate = true 

