Vec Camera::shade(Vec accumulator,
Ray ray,
int recursion_depth) {
if (recursion_depth == 0) return Vec(0,0,0);
double closestIntersection = numeric_limits<double>::max();
Surface* cs;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < surfaces.size(); i++){
Surface* s = surfaces[i];
double intersection = s->intersection(ray);
if (intersection > EPSILON && intersection < closestIntersection) {
closestIntersection = intersection;
cs = s;
if (closestIntersection < numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
Point intersectionPoint = ray.origin + ray.dir*closestIntersection;
Vec intersectionNormal = cs->calculateIntersectionNormal(intersectionPoint);
Material materialToUse = cs->material;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<lights.size(); j++) {
Light* light = lights[j];
Vec dirToLight = (light->origin - intersectionPoint).norm();
Vec dirToCamera = (this->eye - intersectionPoint).norm();
bool visible = true;
for (unsigned int k=0; k<surfaces.size(); k++) {
Surface* s = surfaces[k];
double t = s->intersection(Ray(intersectionPoint, dirToLight));
if (t > EPSILON && t < closestIntersection) {
visible = false;
if (visible) {
accumulator = accumulator + this->color(dirToLight, intersectionNormal,
intersectionPoint, dirToCamera, light, materialToUse);
//Reflective ray
//Vec r = d − 2(d · n)n
if (materialToUse.isReflective()) {
Vec d = ray.dir;
Vec r_v = d-intersectionNormal*2*intersectionNormal.dot(d);
Ray r(intersectionPoint+intersectionNormal*EPSILON, r_v);
//km is the ideal specular component of the material, and mult is component-wise multiplication
return this->shade(accumulator, r, surfaces, lights, recursion_depth--).mult(materialToUse.km);
return accumulator;
return accumulator;
Vec Camera::color(Vec dirToLight,
Vec intersectionNormal,
Point intersectionPoint,
Vec dirToCamera,
Light* light,
Material material) {
//kd I max(0, n · l) + ks I max(0, n · h)p
Vec I(light->r, light->g, light->b);
double dist = (intersectionPoint-light->origin).magnitude();
I = I/(dist*dist);
Vec h = (dirToLight + dirToCamera)/((dirToLight + dirToCamera).magnitude());
Vec kd = material.kd;
Vec ks = material.ks;
Vec diffuse = kd*I*fmax(0.0, intersectionNormal.dot(dirToLight));
Vec specular = ks*I*pow(fmax(0.0, intersectionNormal.dot(h)), material.r);
return diffuse+specular;
你可以減少你的例子中的幾何體渲染到兩個或三個對象和一個燈?用圖像的複雜程度來診斷有點困難。 –
另外,就像你說的那樣,圖像應該是「反射代碼註釋掉」的例子之一嗎?我問,因爲兩者都顯示反映。 –
@ DanielA.Thompson這兩個圖像都是用反射代碼創建的。頂部圖像是我的輸出,底部圖像是預期的輸出。 (我提到註釋反射代碼的唯一原因是爲了澄清陰影代碼正常工作,所以它以某種方式反射代碼來引入該錯誤。) – cph2117