2016-10-26 41 views

我必須創建一個VHDL序列,只需要一個時鐘輸入,並把5 led的序列see picture 我正確的思想,使用std_logic_vector我可以然後連接每個向量輸出到單個LED爲了創建這個序列或者我想念解釋使用std_logic_vector?VHDL時鐘序列Q3


library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 
use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- i have used this package as my CLK-CNT signal counts in integer format rather than binary and i am performing an ADD sum of the CLK_CNT 

entity REG_LED is 
PORT(CLK:  IN std_logic;    -- CLK input 
    LEDS:  Out std_logic_vector (4 downto 0)); -- initialise output 

SIGNAL CLK_CNT:  integer range 0 to 9:= 0; -- initailise comparison signal used for counting clock pulses. 
-- This signal will be used by the program to recognise where in the sequnce the program is and thus determine the next state required for the sequence. 

    CLK_Process: PROCESS (CLK) -- begin the CLK_CNT Process 

    if rising_edge(CLK) Then 
     if CLK_CNT = 8 then 
      CLK_CNT <= 0; -- this resets the clock pulse count to 0 
      CLK_CNT <= CLK_CNT + 1 ; -- used to count each clock pulse upto the reset 
     End if; 
-- this process has been kept seperate to the LED output process in order to isolate the event from the output process and limit the possiblities of errors   
    END IF; 


    LED_PROCESS: Process (CLK_CNT) -- LED Outputs based on Temp count 

    BEGIN -- begin the output sequence 

     Case CLK_CNT is 
-- i use a case statement to compare the value of the CLK_CNT signal and produce the required LEDS output 
-- this ensures the 
      When 0 => 
       LEDS <= "11111"; -- S0 when clock count is 0 
      When 1 => 
       LEDS <= "00001"; -- S1 when clock count is 1 
      When 2 =>  
       LEDS <= "00001"; -- S2 when clock count is 2 
      When 3 => 
       LEDS <= "11111"; -- S3 when clock count is 3 
      When 4 => 
       LEDS <= "00000"; -- S4 when clock count is 4 
      When 5 => 
       LEDS <= "11111"; -- S5 when clock count is 5 
      When 6 => 
       LEDS <= "00100"; -- S6 when clock count is 6 
      When 7 => 
       LEDS <= "01010"; -- S7 when clock count is 7 
      When 8 => 
       LEDS <= "10001"; -- S8 when clock count is 8 this is the final clock count state 

      When others => 
       LEDS <= "11111"; -- Restart Sequence 

     End Case;    

    End Process; 
END behavioral; 

我已經模擬波形和其產生所要求的序列,但是可以將此輸出beused驅動5個不同的發光二極管,或者它也只是一個5 5個輸出位字是一個端口的輸出?即時通訊新的VHDL,所以任何幫助,將不勝感激


如果您將一個LED連接到端口的每個位,它將驅動5個LED。 –




A std_logic_vector確實是一些電線(巴士)。你必須考慮它的物理意義,因爲這是編程FPGA時真正發生的事情。所以是的,你可以將公共汽車分成(或分出)單獨的線路。這可以這樣完成:

signal LED_LINE_0 : std_logic; 
signal LED_LINE_1 : std_logic; 
LED_LINE_0 <= LEDS(0); 
LED_LINE_1 <= LEDS(1); 


signal small_bus_1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 
signal small_bus_2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 
signal big_bus : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 

small_bus_1 <= big_bus(3 downto 2); 
small_bus_2 <= big_bus(1 downto 0); 



感謝您的反饋,這是我的學位課程,所以我不會爲此編程fpga,但是我想顯示正確的步驟。我會在哪裏把代碼拆分公交車?在實體聲明中還是在模型的體系結構中?我的講師對我們這個問題沒有太大的幫助,只是給了我們一本書,並說基本上破解了 –


想想什麼是實體和架構的功能。一個vhdl文件指定了一個「盒子」,其中實體部分告訴你什麼進入和離開盒子(以及框中使用了什麼),而體系結構部分指定盒子內部的體系結構(如何連接)。 – Wizongod