2017-07-29 105 views



>>> df.curves 
0 [[0.0, 0.0, 0.91452991453, 0.91452991453, 1.0]... 
1 [[0.0, 0.0, 0.734693877551, 0.734693877551, 1.... 
2 [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.6435643564... 
3 [[0.0, 0.0, 0.551020408163, 0.551020408163, 1.... 
4 [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.4389027431... 
5 [[0.0, 0.0, 0.734693877551, 0.734693877551, 1.... 
Name: curves, dtype: object 

>>> df.curves[0] 
array([[ 0.  , 0.  , 0.73469388, 0.73469388, 1.  ], 
     [ 0.  , 0.1097561 , 0.47560976, 0.5  , 1.  ], 
     [ 1.  , 0.65036675, 0.08801956, 0.06845966, 0.  ]]) 





def sample2DCurve(row, res=10, method='linear'):  
    # coords of interpolation 
    xnew = np.linspace(0, 1, res) 

    # call scipy interpolator interp1d 
    # create interpolation function for 2D data 
    sample2D = interpolate.interp1d(row[0], row[1], kind=method) 

    # sample data points based on xnew 
    znew = sample2D(xnew) 

    return np.array([xnew, znew]) 


def sample3DCurves(row, res=10, method='linear'): 
    #npts = row[0].size 
    #p = np.zeros(npts, dtype=float) 
    #for i in range(1, npts): 
    # dx = row[0][i] - row[0][i-1] 
    # dy = row[1][i] - row[1][i-1] 
    # dz = row[2][i] - row[2][i-1] 
    # v = np.array([dx, dy, dz]) 
    # p[i] = p[i-1] + np.linalg.norm(v) 
    # edit: cleaner algebra 
    x, *y, z = row 

    # vecs between subsequently measured points 
    vecs = np.diff(row) 

    # path: cum distance along points (norm from first to ith point) 
    path = np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(vecs, axis=0)) 
    path = np.insert(path, 0, 0) 

    ## coords of interpolation 
    coords = np.linspace(p[0], p[-1], res) #p[0]=0 p[-1]=max(p) 

    # interpolation func for each axis with the path 
    sampleX = interpolate.interp1d(p, row[0], kind=method) 
    sampleY = interpolate.interp1d(p, row[1], kind=method) 
    sampleZ = interpolate.interp1d(p, row[2], kind=method) 

    # sample each dim 
    xnew = sampleX(coords) 
    ynew = sampleY(coords) 
    znew = sampleZ(coords) 

    return np.array([xnew, ynew, znew]) 

作爲3D中的另一種方法,我想在x,y - 具有統一半徑的平面上沿着等值線形成圓進行插值:

Circular等值線周圍[0,0,0]在x,y - 平面與3D路口

然後z值是基於與在x,y投影的(線性)插值曲線的等值線的交點內插 - 平面。


任何建議非常感謝! (也用其他語言 - R/Matlab等)


既然你知道異圓的半徑可能試圖找到該曲線穿過與z軸的距離飛機?只是一個想法,有趣的問題。 – DrBwts





def seq_sampling(row, res=10, method='linear'): 
    #3D sequential along x and y (isocircles): 
    x, y, z = row 

    # distance to origin for each point (support vectors lengths) 
    point_distance = np.linalg.norm(row[(0,2),], axis=0) 

    # isocircle radii 
    max_radius = math.sqrt(x[-1]+y[-1]) 
    radii = np.linspace(0, max_radius, res) 

    # last (distance to origin) inner data points per circle (start point of segments) 
    start_per_radius = [np.max(np.where(point_distance <= radius)) for radius in radii] 

    # initialize coords 
    new_x = np.zeros_like(radii) 
    new_y = np.zeros_like(radii) 
    new_z = np.zeros_like(radii) 

    # assign first an last known coordinates 
    new_x[0], new_y[0] = x[0], y[0] # 0, 0 
    new_x[-1], new_y[-1] = x[-1], y[-1] # 1, 1 

    for radius, startpoint in enumerate(start_per_radius[1:-1]): 
     # intersect circles of radius with corresponding intersecting vectors 
     # based on https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/311921/get-location-of-vector-circle-intersection 
     # fix index count (starts with radius > 0) 
     radius += 1 

     # span line segment with point O outside and point I inside of iso-circle 
     endpoint = startpoint+1 

     O_x = x[endpoint] 
     O_y = y[endpoint] 

     I_x = x[startpoint] 
     I_y = y[startpoint] 

     # coefficients 
     a = (O_x-I_x)**2 + (O_y-I_y)**2 
     b = 2*((O_x-I_x)*(I_y) + (O_y-I_y)*(I_y)) 
     c = (I_x)**2 + (I_y)**2 - radii[radius]**2 

     # !radicant cannot be zero given: 
     # each segment is defined by max point lying inside or on iso-circle and the next point 
     # as both axis are monotonically (strict monotonically y) increasing the next point lies outside of the ico-circle 
     # thus (in 2D) a segment is intersecting a circle by definition. 
     t = 2*c/(- b - math.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)) 

     #check if intersection lies on line segment/within boundaries of t [0,1] 
     if (t >= 0) and (t <= 1): 
     new_x[radius], new_y[radius] = (O_x - I_x)*t + I_x, (O_y-I_y)*t + I_y 

    # interpolate new_y based on projected new_y 
    new_z = interpolate.interp1d(y, z, kind='linear')(new_y[1:-1]) 

    # assign first an last known coordinates 
    new_z = np.insert(new_z,0,z[0]) 
    new_z = np.append(new_z,z[-1]) 

    return np.array([new_x, new_y, new_z]) 

3D Plot with circular iso-lines


認爲你需要編輯你的縮進 – DrBwts


@DrBwts謝謝。我修好了它。 – hard


另外我修正了一個bug,因爲當'x'沒有改變時,點似乎錯誤地插入了段。插值現在在'new_y'上,它嚴格**單調(增加)。 – hard