2016-11-08 35 views

我想在簡單的座標系中實現線條檢測。我大致遵循了一篇關於如何實施the Hough Transform的文章,但是我得到的結果與我想要的相差甚遠。在2D座標系中實現Hough變換線檢測


X X X 
X X X 
- - - 




use std::f32; 

extern crate nalgebra as na; 
use na::DMatrix; 

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] 
enum Representation { 

fn main() { 
    let image_width = 3; 
    let image_height = 3; 

    let grid = vec![ 
     (0, 0, Representation::Line), (1, 0, Representation::Line), (2, 0, Representation::Line), 
     (0, 1, Representation::Canvas), (1, 1, Representation::Canvas), (2, 1, Representation::Canvas), 
     (0, 2, Representation::Canvas), (1, 2, Representation::Canvas), (2, 2, Representation::Canvas), 

    //let tmp:f32 = (image_width as f32 * image_width as f32) + (image_height as f32 * image_height as f32); 
    let max_line_length = 3; 
    let mut accumulator = DMatrix::from_element(180, max_line_length as usize, 0); 

    for y in 0..image_height { 
     for x in 0..image_width { 
      let coords_index = (y * image_width) + x; 
      let coords = grid.get(coords_index as usize).unwrap(); 

      // check if coords is an edge 
      if coords.2 == Representation::Line { 
       for angle in 0..180 { 
        let r = (x as f32) * (angle as f32).cos() + (y as f32) * (angle as f32).sin(); 
        let r_scaled = scale_between(r, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0).round() as u32; 

        accumulator[(angle as usize, r_scaled as usize)] += 1; 

    let threshold = 3; 

    // z = angle 
    for z in 0..180 { 
     for r in 0..3 { 
      let val = accumulator[(z as usize, r as usize)]; 

      if val < threshold { 

      let px = (r as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let py = (r as f32) * (z as f32).sin(); 

      let p1_px = px + (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let p1_py = py + (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).sin(); 

      let p2_px = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let p2_py = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 

      println!("Found lines from {}/{} to {}/{}", p1_px.ceil(), p1_py.ceil(), p2_px.ceil(), p2_py.ceil()); 

fn scale_between(unscaled_num: f32, min_allowed: f32, max_allowed: f32, min: f32, max: f32) -> f32 { 
    (max_allowed - min_allowed) * (unscaled_num - min)/(max - min) + min_allowed 


Found lines from -1/4 to 1/1 
Found lines from 2/4 to 0/0 
Found lines from 2/-3 to 0/0 
Found lines from -1/4 to 1/1 
Found lines from 1/-3 to 0/0 
Found lines from 0/4 to 1/1 



for each image point p 
    if (p is part of an edge) 
    for each possible angle 
    r = x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle); 


  1. 在霍夫空間的每個點由角度和距離r給出。使用這些值,線的單個點p(x,y)可以通過下式計算:px = r * cos(角度) py = r * sin(角度)。

  2. 行的最大長度受sqrt(imagewidth2 + imageheight2)的限制。

  3. 點p,線的角度α和最大線長度'maxLength'可以用來計算線的其他兩點。這裏的最大長度確保這兩個要計算的點位於實際圖像之外,導致如果在這兩個點之間畫出一條線,則該線從圖像邊界到圖像邊界無論如何也不會被裁剪圖像內的某處。

  4. 這兩個點p1和p2的計算公式如下: p1_x = px + maxLength * cos(angle); p1_y = py + maxLength * sin(angle); p2_x = px-maxLength * cos(angle); p2_y = py - maxLength * sin(angle);

  5. ...



use std::f32; 

extern crate nalgebra as na; 
use na::DMatrix; 

fn main() { 
    let image_width = 3; 
    let image_height = 3; 

    let mut grid = DMatrix::from_element(image_width as usize, image_height as usize, 0); 
    grid[(0, 0)] = 1; 
    grid[(1, 0)] = 1; 
    grid[(2, 0)] = 1; 

    let accu_width = 7; 
    let accu_height = 3; 
    let max_line_length = 3; 

    let mut accumulator = DMatrix::from_element(accu_width as usize, accu_height as usize, 0); 

    for y in 0..image_height { 
     for x in 0..image_width { 
      let coords = (x, y); 
      let is_edge = grid[coords] == 1; 

      if !is_edge { 

      for i in 0..7 { 
       let angle = i * 30; 

       let r = (x as f32) * (angle as f32).cos() + (y as f32) * (angle as f32).sin(); 
       let r_scaled = scale_between(r, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0).round() as u32; 

       accumulator[(i as usize, r_scaled as usize)] += 1; 

       println!("angle: {}, r: {}, r_scaled: {}", angle, r, r_scaled); 

    let threshold = 3; 

    // z = angle index 
    for z in 0..7 { 
     for r in 0..3 { 
      let val = accumulator[(z as usize, r as usize)]; 

      if val < threshold { 

      let px = (r as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let py = (r as f32) * (z as f32).sin(); 

      let p1_px = px + (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let p1_py = py + (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).sin(); 

      let p2_px = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 
      let p2_py = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (z as f32).cos(); 

      println!("Found lines from {}/{} to {}/{} - val: {}", p1_px.ceil(), p1_py.ceil(), p2_px.ceil(), p2_py.ceil(), val); 

fn scale_between(unscaled_num: f32, min_allowed: f32, max_allowed: f32, min: f32, max: f32) -> f32 { 
    (max_allowed - min_allowed) * (unscaled_num - min)/(max - min) + min_allowed 


angle: 0, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 30, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 60, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 90, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 120, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 150, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
angle: 180, r: 0, r_scaled: 1 
Found lines from 3/4 to -1/-1 
Found lines from -3/1 to 2/2 



隨着霍夫變換很大程度上取決於實際圖像和邊緣的銳利程度。圖像越忙,轉換的結果就越複雜。我要做的是生成輸出的圖像來檢查生成的內容。這可能有助於將輸入和輸出圖像添加到問題中。 –


一個看起來很可疑的事情是,你正在四捨五入地強化r值。這意味着你基本上在檢查一條非常寬的線,很多點將對同一條線有貢獻。 –


如果你真的在輸出中畫出線條,你會發現它們是非常相似的線條,其中一些平行線與像素不同。通過考慮一個小圖像,你會讓自己的生活變得更加艱難。嘗試更像100×100的圖像,你會看到結果變得更清晰。嘗試改變r和角度步驟的粒度,看看會發生什麼。 –





let ang_d = 30.0; 
let ang_r = ang_d * 3.1415926/180.0; 
println!("sin(30) {} sin(30*pi/180) {}", (ang_d as f32).sin(), (ang_r as f32).sin()); 


sin(30) -0.9880316 sin(30*pi/180) 0.5 



let angle = (i as f32) * 30.0 * 3.1415926/180.0; 
let r = (x as f32) * (angle as f32).cos() + (y as f32) * (angle as f32).sin(); 


let ang = (z as f32) * 30.0 * 3.1415926/180.0; 
let px = (r as f32) * (ang as f32).cos(); 
let py = (r as f32) * (ang as f32).sin(); 
let p1_px = px + (max_line_length as f32) * (ang as f32).cos();   
let p1_py = py + (max_line_length as f32) * (ang as f32).sin(); 
let p2_px = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (ang as f32).cos(); 
let p2_py = px - (max_line_length as f32) * (ang as f32).cos(); 



FYI [在線API文檔](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/)是可搜索的,有[浮點類型轉換爲弧度的方法](https://doc.rust-lang.org /std/primitive.f64.html#method.to_radians),[每個浮點類型的值都是pi](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/f64/consts/constant.PI .html)。 – Shepmaster


[示例](http://play.integer32.com/?gist=18cfdca6a7bd90924f1187dfe50bca48&version=stable)。 – Shepmaster


謝謝你的回答,我不知道,結果仍然不是我想要的,所以我認爲我必須重新開始,實施看起來有點不對勁。接受這個答案,因爲它給了我一些指導方針,如何使用數學函數來處理一般的數學函數和specfic中的鏽蝕問題,還要感謝@Shepmaster – Max





所以在這裏,對第一點(0,0),對於每一個角,所述相關聯的半徑爲r = 0

對於第二(1,0),相關聯的半徑爲r = COS(角)

對於第三(2,0),相關聯的半徑爲r = 2 cos(角度)


因此需要根據圖像大小計算半徑和角度離散。這裏,一個30°的臺階,所以一個7 * 3的累加器就足以檢測一條線。


這很有道理,謝謝,我試過了一個更新的版本,現在只發現了2行,這對我來說更有意義。然而,問題是兩行與我期望的程度相去甚遠,程序報告從'3,4'到'-1,-1'和'-3,1'到'2,2'的行。我用我的新代碼更新了這個問題,可能返回點的轉換仍然是關閉的。 – Max