我正在研究一個物體檢測和跟蹤系統,輸入是一個rgb網絡攝像頭流。我的代碼沒有問題來檢測黃色,綠色和藍色的幾何物體,如球,但是當談到紅球時,我正在挑戰一個問題。OpenCV + python紅球檢測和跟蹤
# converting the input stream into HSV color space
hsv_conv_img = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
# because hue wraps up and to extract as many "red objects" as possible, I define lower and upper boundaries for brighter and for darker red shades
bright_red_lower_bounds = (0, 100, 100)
bright_red_upper_bounds = (10, 255, 255)
bright_red_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_conv_img, bright_red_lower_bounds, bright_red_upper_bounds)
dark_red_lower_bounds = (160, 100, 100)
dark_red_upper_bounds = (179, 255, 255)
dark_red_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_conv_img, dark_red_lower_bounds, dark_red_upper_bounds)
# after masking the red shades out, I add the two images
weighted_mask = cv2.addWeighted(bright_red_mask, 1.0, dark_red_mask, 1.0, 0.0)
# then the result is blurred
blurred_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(weighted_mask,(9,9),3,3)
# some morphological operations (closing) to remove small blobs
erode_element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
dilate_element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (8, 8))
eroded_mask = cv2.erode(blurred_mask,erode_element)
dilated_mask = cv2.dilate(eroded_mask,dilate_element)
# on the color-masked, blurred and morphed image I apply the cv2.HoughCircles-method to detect circle-shaped objects
detected_circles = cv2.HoughCircles(dilated_mask, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 150, param1=100, param2=20, minRadius=20, maxRadius=200)
if detected_circles is not None:
for circle in detected_circles[0, :]:
circled_orig = cv2.circle(frame, (circle[0], circle[1]), circle[2], (0,255,0),thickness=3)
cv2.imshow("original", circled_orig)
cv2.imshow("original", frame)
問題:通過限定範圍廣泛的「紅色」,從HSV提取,我的手和我的臉(在鏡頭前站立時,保持球)的部分被提取了。 後來HoughCircles方法檢測到我手和臉上剩餘區域的小圓圈。
非常感謝提前。 問候, 克里斯
PS:這段代碼是對this one
提供圖像將有所幫助。 – m3h0w