我有一個單詞相似性矩陣存儲爲一個熊貓數據框,其中列是〜400字的「種子集」,行索引是一個大型字典〜50,000字。任何行/列的值都是兩個單詞之間從0到1的相似度。熊貓數據框 - 在任何列中標識超過閾值的行
>>> df_sim_mf.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 46265 entries, #angry to wonga
Columns: 451 entries, abandon to wrongs
dtypes: float64(451)
memory usage: 159.5+ MB
>>> df_sim_mf.sample(10).sample(5, axis = 1)
nationality purest unite lawless riot
assaulted 0.114270 -0.140504 0.182024 0.434651 0.510618
peekaboo -0.008734 -0.027742 0.051084 0.260245 0.201117
antibiotic 0.145310 0.270748 -0.126459 -0.083965 0.043086
killin -0.102474 0.123550 0.055935 -0.115381 0.285997
warrior 0.005229 0.281967 0.261230 0.344130 0.359228
actionscript -0.029405 0.077793 0.114047 -0.052599 -0.123401
controversy 0.336688 0.271007 0.373474 0.362565 0.305548
nic 0.164550 -0.159097 0.080056 0.271184 0.231357
healy 0.072831 0.102996 0.286538 0.335697 0.183730
uncovered 0.061310 0.274003 0.328383 0.300315 0.277491