我想在熊貓數據框的列上運行一個函數。 語料庫是pd.Dataframe import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
corpus = pd.DataFrame([[3,1,1,1,1,60],[2,2,0,2,0,20], [0,2,1,1,0,0], [0,0,2,1,0
我一直在向量化Matlab中的for循環,因爲它瓶頸了整個程序,但我不知道如何在循環內的單個矩陣的不同行或列上迭代時如何做到這一點。下面的代碼: // X is an n*k matrix, W is n*n
// W(i,j) stores the norm of the vector resulting from subtracting
// the j-th line of X from
我很難理解data.table包文檔V1.10.4中的「Vectorised between」示例嗎? X = data.table(a=1:5, b=6:10, c=c(5:1))
> X
a b c
1: 1 6 5
2: 2 7 4
3: 3 8 3
4: 4 9 2
5: 5 10 1
# NEW feature in v1.9.8, vectorised bet