private double[] vecQuat = new double[4];
private double[] resQuat = new double[4];
private double[] thisQuat = new double[4];
private double[] conj = new double[4];
* Rotates a vector (or point) around this axis-angle
* @param vectorX the x component of the vector (or point)
* @param vectorY the y component of the vector (or point)
* @param vectorZ the z component of the vector (or point)
* @param outputArray the array in which the results will be stored
public void RotateVector(double vectorX, double vectorY, double vectorZ, double[] outputArray){
vecQuat[0] = 0.0f;
vecQuat[1] = vectorX;
vecQuat[2] = vectorY;
vecQuat[3] = vectorZ;
thisQuat[0] = w;
thisQuat[1] = x;
thisQuat[2] = y;
thisQuat[3] = z;
outputArray[0] = vecQuat[1];
outputArray[1] = vecQuat[2];
outputArray[2] = vecQuat[3];
public void getConjugate(double[] outputArray){
outputArray[0] = w;
outputArray[1] = -x;
outputArray[2] = -y;
outputArray[3] = -z;
public void Multiply(double[] aq, double[] rq, double[] outputArray){
outputArray[0] = aq[0] * rq[0] - aq[1] * rq[1] - aq[2] * rq[2] - aq[3] * rq[3];
outputArray[1] = aq[0] * rq[1] + aq[1] * rq[0] + aq[2] * rq[3] - aq[3] * rq[2];
outputArray[2] = aq[0] * rq[2] + aq[2] * rq[0] + aq[3] * rq[1] - aq[1] * rq[3];
outputArray[3] = aq[0] * rq[3] + aq[3] * rq[0] + aq[1] * rq[2] - aq[2] * rq[1];
我並不確切地知道你想要用相機做什麼,但這裏是我用四元數爲RTS遊戲的例子設置在太空中(想家園)。宇宙飛船有一個direction vector
函數中)。他們也有一個target vector
同樣的過程也可以在戰鬥飛行模擬器中用來模擬AI飛機的轉向。使用四元數還將避免'真空鎖',真正的飛機受到的影響!但是,使用四元數,你的AI飛機可能會發現在一半時間內顛倒飛行更方便,所以你可能不得不沿着其機身軸線進行一些額外的慢速旋轉(即, z軸)以模擬飛行員將自己定位到「向上」。這實際上是相當容易只需添加直角向上和向右向量,以向前(方向)矢量
* The current position of the spaceship
private Vertex3D currentPosition;
* The target position of the spaceship
private Vertex3D targetPosition;
* The current direction in which the spaceship is travelling
private Vector directionVector;
* The vector towards which the spaceship is turning
private Vector targetVector;
* The right orientation vector
private Vector rightOrientationVector;
* The up orientation vector
private Vector upOrientationVector;
* Angle in radians by which directionVector turns towards TargetVector every tick
private double turningCircle = 0.05f;
public Spaceship(Vertex3D target){
currentPosition = new Vertex3D(0,0,0);
// right hand coordinate system: ship is facing "away" from the camera
directionVector = new Vector(currentPosition, 0,0,-1);
rightOrientationVector = new Vector(currentPosition, 1,0,0);
upOrientationVector = new Vector(currentPosition, 0,1,0);
targetPosition = target;
protected void tick(){
protected void incrementPosition(){
// get movement
double velocity = getVelocity();
// move
currentPosition.mX(currentPosition.mX + directionVector.mX * velocity);
currentPosition.mY(currentPosition.mY + directionVector.mY * velocity);
currentPosition.mZ(currentPosition.mZ + directionVector.mZ * velocity);
private double[] cross = new double[3];
private double[] newDir = new double[3];
private Quaternion quat;
protected void turn(){
// update target vector relative to new position
// turn direction vector towards target vector
MathsExtras.crossProduct(directionVector.mX, directionVector.mY, directionVector.mZ, targetVector.mX, targetVector.mY, targetVector.mZ, cross);
quat = new Quaternion(cross[0], cross[1], cross[2], turningCircle);
quat.RotateVector(directionVector.mX, directionVector.mY, directionVector.mZ, newDir);
directionVector.mX = newDir[0];
directionVector.mY = newDir[1];
directionVector.mZ = newDir[2];
// update right orientation
MathsExtras.crossProduct(direction.mX, direction.mY, direction.mZ, upOrientationVector.mX, upOrientationVector.mY, upOrientationVector.mZ, cross);
rightOrientationVector.mX = cross[0];
rightOrientationVector.mY = cross[1];
rightOrientationVector.mZ = cross[2];
// update up orientation
MathsExtras.crossProduct(rightOrientationVector.mX, rightOrientationVector.mY, rightOrientationVector.mZ, direction.mX, direction.mY, direction.mZ, cross);
upOrientationVector.mX = cross[0];
upOrientationVector.mY = cross[1];
upOrientationVector.mZ = cross[2];
protected void setTargetVector(){
targetVector.mX = targetPosition.getmX() - currentPosition.getmX();
targetVector.mY = targetPosition.getmY() - currentPosition.getmY();
targetVector.mZ = targetPosition.getmZ() - currentPosition.getmZ();
你只想用lookAt(directionVector.mX + currentPosition.mX, directionVector.mY + currentPosition.mY, directionVector.mZ + currentPosition.mZ)
很酷,我想我可能會擴展它們的'Quaternion'類來添加更多的功能。我不相信有一個旋轉的方法,所以這可能是非常有用的! ...你有什麼建議,我應該如何更新相機與四元數旋轉後已應用到它? –
如果您使用相機的x,y,z座標作爲RotateVector()中的參數,那麼將在輸出數組中放入相機的新xyz位置,該位置已經按照四元數軸的指定進行了旋轉,該軸固定在原點。如果你從原點到四元數的x,y,z畫一條線,這將幫助你形象化你將要旋轉的軸...在我自己的引擎中,我不會移動相機,我只是將變換應用到場景中的對象上,使它們位於正確的位置,使它們移動,轉向等。 –
添加了一個帶有代碼的示例 –