我有一個名爲玩家的動畫精靈,我改變了動畫和使用onscreencontrol的方向。動畫似乎卡住和/或重複第一幀,而沒有經歷完整的動畫週期。我懷疑屏幕控制更新處理程序是否有時間完成所有步驟之前重置動畫?我不知道什麼是錯在這裏,這似乎像它應該工作:Android AndEngine動畫精靈沒有正確動畫
final AnalogOnScreenControl velocityOnScreenControl = new AnalogOnScreenControl(x1, y1, this.BoundChaseCamera,this.ScreenControlBaseTextureRegion,this.ScreenControlKnobTextureRegion, 0.1f,new IAnalogOnScreenControlListener() {
public void onControlChange(
final BaseOnScreenControl pBaseOnScreenControl,
final float pValueX, final float pValueY) {
/* player position */
float spotX = player.getX() + 1 * TILE_WIDTH * pValueX;
float spotY = player.getY() + 1 * TILE_HEIGHT * pValueY;
/* if player position within bounds of map */
if (spotX < TMXMapLayer.getWidth()
&& spotY < TMXMapLayer.getHeight()
&& spotX >= 0 && spotY >= 0) {
/* Set player velocity */
final Vector2 velocity = Vector2Pool.obtain(pValueX * 3, pValueY * 3);
/* Math to determine the direction of movement */
double dirDouble = (Math.atan2(pValueX, pValueY)
/(Math.PI/2) + 2);
float direction = (int) Math.round(dirDouble)
% DirectionState;
/* if movement is N,E,S or W, do animation */
if (direction == 0) { // If Go North
player.animate(new long[] { 200, 200, 200 }, 0,2, true); // north
} else if (direction == 1) { // If Go West
player.animate(new long[] { 200, 200, 200 }, 9,11, true); // west
} else if (direction == 2) { // If Go South
player.animate(new long[] { 200, 200, 200 }, 6,8, true); // south
} else if (direction == 3) { // If Go East
player.animate(new long[] { 200, 200, 200 }, 3,5, true); // east
是什麼DirectionState變量? – user2080866 2013-02-20 15:53:11