CGPoint p1; // touch previous position
CGPoint p2; // touch current position
CGRect r = box.boundingBox;
CGPoint A = r.origin;
CGPoint B = ccpAdd(A, ccp(0.f, r.size.height));
// we have the straight line AB
// if p1 is on the left side of AB and
// p2 is on the right side of AB
// then path is allowed
// d1 is side indicator of p1
// d2 is side indicator of p2
// if di < 0, then pi is on the left side of AB
// if di == 0, then pi is on AB
// if di > 0, then pi is on the right side of AB
// if the line is horizontal, di < 0 if the point is above the line
float d1 = (p1.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y) - (B.x - A.x) * (p1.y - A.y)
float d2 = (p2.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y) - (B.x - A.x) * (p2.y - A.y)
BOOL isAllowed = d1 < 0 && d2 > 0; // you can use >= and <=
P. S.這種解決方案是偉大的,如果箱子沒有旋轉。如果旋轉的 - 你需要使用的東西計算A和B點像
/** Rotates a point counter clockwise by the angle around a pivot
@param v is the point to rotate
@param pivot is the pivot, naturally
@param angle is the angle of rotation cw in radians
@returns the rotated point
@since v0.99.1
CGPoint ccpRotateByAngle(CGPoint v, CGPoint pivot, float angle);
可以附加通過持合資另一薄盒(如線)你箱的一側,並給它一個用戶數據,然後檢查碰撞 – Singhak
什麼辛哈克說,除了你不需要焊接接頭和獨立的機身,你可以把更多的固定裝置放在原來的身體上。 – iforce2d
我一直在考慮辛哈克的建議 - 創建兩個獨立的機構,一個包含較小一個的三個邊。你能否擴展你的建議:「你可以把更多的燈具放在原來的身體上」? – Richard