2016-12-09 110 views

夥計們,ROS CompressedDepth到numpy的(或CV2)

我使用這個鏈接爲出發點,以我的CompressedDepth轉換(類型的圖像:「32FC1; compressedDepth,」 米)圖像OpenCV的框架:

Python CompressedImage Subscriber Publisher


什麼是轉換compressedDep的正確方法第二個圖像? 重新發布是不會工作做無線/路由器的帶寬和速度限制。


你不介意分享你有什麼這麼遠嗎? –


第43行改爲「/ camera/depth_registered/image_raw/compressedDepth;」 第57行更改爲 「image_np = cv2.imdecode(np_arr,cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);」 除數據外,刪除了「功能」和「重新發布部分」。其他一切都是一樣的。 – Pototo




這記錄在image_transport_plugins/compressed_depth_image_transport/src/codec.cpp。 在我的機器上,標題大小爲12個字節。這可能會在其他體系結構上有所不同,因爲枚舉的大小沒有定義。


# 'msg' as type CompressedImage 
depth_fmt, compr_type = msg.format.split(';') 
# remove white space 
depth_fmt = depth_fmt.strip() 
compr_type = compr_type.strip() 
if compr_type != "compressedDepth": 
    raise Exception("Compression type is not 'compressedDepth'." 
        "You probably subscribed to the wrong topic.") 

# remove header from raw data 
depth_header_size = 12 
raw_data = msg.data[depth_header_size:] 

depth_img_raw = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(raw_data, np.uint8), cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED) 
if depth_img_raw is None: 
    # probably wrong header size 
    raise Exception("Could not decode compressed depth image." 
        "You may need to change 'depth_header_size'!") 

if depth_fmt == "16UC1": 
    # write raw image data 
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(path_depth, "depth_" + str(msg.header.stamp) + ".png"), depth_img_raw) 
elif depth_fmt == "32FC1": 
    raw_header = msg.data[:depth_header_size] 
    # header: int, float, float 
    [compfmt, depthQuantA, depthQuantB] = struct.unpack('iff', raw_header) 
    depth_img_scaled = depthQuantA/(depth_img_raw.astype(np.float32)-depthQuantB) 
    # filter max values 
    depth_img_scaled[depth_img_raw==0] = 0 

    # depth_img_scaled provides distance in meters as f32 
    # for storing it as png, we need to convert it to 16UC1 again (depth in mm) 
    depth_img_mm = (depth_img_scaled*1000).astype(np.uint16) 
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(path_depth, "depth_" + str(msg.header.stamp) + ".png"), depth_img_mm) 
    raise Exception("Decoding of '" + depth_fmt + "' is not implemented!")