2011-09-14 48 views

從Kinect深度圖中獲取兩個連續的三維點雲1和2(不是整個雲,例如從雲中選擇的100個點,從OpenCV的GoodFeaturesToMatch中選擇),我想計算相機的單應性從1到2.我明白這是一個投影變換,它已經被很多人完成了:here (slide 12)here (slide 30)here in what seems to be the classic paper。我的問題是,雖然我是一名稱職的程序員,但我還沒有掌握數學或觸發技能來將其中一種方法轉化爲代碼。由於這不是一個簡單的問題,所以我提供瞭解決以下問題的大量代碼:從兩個Kinect深度圖提取投影單應圖

相機位於原點,在Z方向上看不規則的五面體[A,B,C,D ,E,F]: camera position 1

相機向左(X),+ 60mm向上(Y),+ 50mm向前(Z)移動90mm並向下旋轉5°,向右旋轉10°,向下旋轉-3°逆時針: camera position 2

旋轉整個場景,使相機回到原來的位置讓我確定在2頂點的位置: enter image description here

用來製備本是max 1max 2max 3

這裏3ds Max的文件之前和之後的頂點的位置,內部函數等: vertices and intrinsics


here are the numbers in an Excel file


Camera 2 is at -90 X, +60 Y, +50 Z rotated -5 Y, 10 X, -3 Z. 
The homography matrix to translate points in A to B is: 
a1, a2, a3 
b1, b2, b3 
c1, c2, c3 



500賞金提議'取代'我提供給this very similar question的賞金,我已經添加了一條評論,指出這個問題。



嗨,我再我一直有一看,是的,我認爲這是在OpenCV中douable,希望EMGU我試圖讓代碼工作,但它的下架要花一段時間。 CalibrateCamera2在opencv中應該是這裏所需的文檔:http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/python/calib3d_camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#calibratecamera2我在這裏找到了opencv中的一個例子http://www.neuroforge.co .uk/index.php/77-tutorials/78-camera-calibration-python-opencv現在需要的就是把它轉換成你可以使用的東西看看,希望它有幫助 – Chris



用於計算2D或3D點雲的兩個快照之間差異的「正確」算法稱爲ICP(Iterative Closest Point)。該算法求解ICP





接受,因爲它是正式的答案,儘管找不到解決方案沒有幫助。 (當我提到Kabsch時,我已經暗示我知道ICP)。 – smirkingman



Imports Emgu 
Imports Emgu.CV 
Imports Emgu.CV.Structure 
Imports Emgu.CV.CvInvoke 
Imports Emgu.CV.CvEnum 
Imports System.Math 

Module Module1 
    ' A 2*2 cube, centred on the origin 
    Dim matrixA(,) As Double = {{-1, -1, -1}, 
           {1, -1, -1}, 
           {-1, 1, -1}, 
           {1, 1, -1}, 
           {-1, -1, 1}, 
           {1, -1, 1}, 
           {-1, 1, 1}, 
           {1, 1, 1} 
    Dim matrixB(,) As Double 
    Function Translate(ByVal mat As Matrix(Of Double), ByVal translation As Matrix(Of Double)) As Matrix(Of Double) 

     Dim tx As New Matrix(Of Double)({{1, 0, 0, 0}, 
             {0, 1, 0, 0}, 
             {0, 0, 1, 0}, 
             {translation(0, 0), translation(1, 0), translation(2, 0), 1}}) 
     Dim mtx As New Matrix(Of Double)(mat.Rows, mat.Cols + 1) 

     ' Convert from Nx3 to Nx4 
     For i As Integer = 0 To mat.Rows - 1 
      For j As Integer = 0 To mat.Cols - 1 
       mtx(i, j) = mat(i, j) 
      mtx(i, mat.Cols) = 1 

     mtx = mtx * tx 
     Dim result As New Matrix(Of Double)(mat.Rows, mat.Cols) 
     For i As Integer = 0 To mat.Rows - 1 
      For j As Integer = 0 To mat.Cols - 1 
       result(i, j) = mtx(i, j) 
     Return result 
    End Function 
    Function Rotate(ByVal mat As Matrix(Of Double), ByVal rotation As Matrix(Of Double)) As Matrix(Of Double) 
     Dim sinx As Double = Sin(rotation(0, 0)) 
     Dim siny As Double = Sin(rotation(1, 0)) 
     Dim sinz As Double = Sin(rotation(2, 0)) 
     Dim cosx As Double = Cos(rotation(0, 0)) 
     Dim cosy As Double = Cos(rotation(1, 0)) 
     Dim cosz As Double = Cos(rotation(2, 0)) 
     Dim rm As New Matrix(Of Double)(3, 3) 
     rm(0, 0) = cosy * cosz 
     rm(0, 1) = -cosx * sinz + sinx * siny * cosz 
     rm(0, 2) = sinx * sinz + cosx * siny * cosz 
     rm(1, 0) = cosy * sinz 
     rm(1, 1) = cosx * cosz + sinx * siny * sinz 
     rm(1, 2) = -sinx * cosz + cosx * siny * sinz 
     rm(2, 0) = -siny 
     rm(2, 1) = sinx * cosy 
     rm(2, 2) = cosx * cosy 
     Return mat * rm 
    End Function 
    Public Sub Main() 

     Dim ma As Matrix(Of Double) 
     Dim mb As Matrix(Of Double) 

     ma = New Matrix(Of Double)(matrixA) 

     ' Make second matrix by rotating X=5°, Y=6°, Z=7° and translating X+2, Y+3, Z+4 
     mb = ma.Clone 
     mb = Rotate(mb, New Matrix(Of Double)({radians(5), radians(6), radians(7)})) 
     mb = Translate(mb, New Matrix(Of Double)({2, 3, 4})) 

     Dim tx As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim rx As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim ac As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim bc As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim rotation As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim translation As Matrix(Of Double) = Nothing 
     Dim xr As Double, yr As Double, zr As Double 

     Kabsch(ma, mb, ac, bc, translation, rotation, xr, yr, zr) 
     ShowMatrix("A centroid", ac) 
     ShowMatrix("B centroid", bc) 
     ShowMatrix("Translation", translation) 
     ShowMatrix("Rotation", rotation) 
     console.WriteLine(degrees(xr) & "° " & degrees(yr) & "° " & degrees(zr) & "°") 

    End Sub 
    Function radians(ByVal a As Double) 
     Return a * Math.PI/180 
    End Function 
    Function degrees(ByVal a As Double) 
     Return a * 180/Math.PI 
    End Function 
    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Compute translation and optimal rotation between 2 matrices using Kabsch's algorithm 
    ''' </summary> 
    ''' <param name="p">Starting matrix</param> 
    ''' <param name="q">Rotated and translated matrix</param> 
    ''' <param name="pcentroid">returned (3,1), centroid(p)</param> 
    ''' <param name="qcentroid">returned (3,1), centroid(q)</param> 
    ''' <param name="translation">returned (3,1), translation to get q from p</param> 
    ''' <param name="rotation">returned (3,3), rotation to get q from p</param> 
    ''' <param name="xr">returned, X rotation in radians</param> 
    ''' <param name="yr">returned, Y rotation in radians</param> 
    ''' <param name="zr">returned, Z rotation in radians</param> 
    ''' <remarks>nomeclature as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabsch_algorithm</remarks> 
    Sub Kabsch(ByVal p As Matrix(Of Double), ByVal q As Matrix(Of Double), 
       ByRef pcentroid As Matrix(Of Double), ByRef qcentroid As Matrix(Of Double), 
       ByRef translation As Matrix(Of Double), ByRef rotation As Matrix(Of Double), 
       ByRef xr As Double, ByRef yr As Double, ByRef zr As Double) 

     Dim zero As New Matrix(Of Double)({0, 0, 0}) 
     Dim a As Matrix(Of Double) 
     Dim v As New Matrix(Of Double)(3, 3) 
     Dim s As New Matrix(Of Double)(3, 3) 
     Dim w As New Matrix(Of Double)(3, 3) 
     Dim handed As Matrix(Of Double) 
     Dim d As Double 

     pcentroid = Centroid(p) 
     qcentroid = Centroid(q) 
     translation = qcentroid - pcentroid 
     p = Translate(p, zero - pcentroid) ' move p to the origin 
     q = Translate(q, zero - qcentroid) ' and q too 
     a = p.Transpose * q ' 3x3 covariance 
     cvSVD(a, s, v, w, SVD_TYPE.CV_SVD_DEFAULT) 
     d = System.Math.Sign(a.Det) 
     handed = New Matrix(Of Double)({{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}) 
     handed.Data(2, 2) = d 
     rotation = v * handed * w.Transpose ' optimal rotation matrix, U 
     ' Extract X,Y,Z angles from rotation matrix 
     yr = Asin(-rotation(2, 0)) 
     xr = Asin(rotation(2, 1)/Cos(yr)) 
     zr = Asin(rotation(1, 0)/Cos(yr)) 
    End Sub 

    Function Centroid(ByVal m As Matrix(Of Double)) As Matrix(Of Double) 

     Dim result As New Matrix(Of Double)(3, 1) 
     Dim ui() As Double = {0, 0, 0} 

     For i As Integer = 0 To m.Rows - 1 
      For j As Integer = 0 To 2 
       ui(j) = ui(j) + m(i, j) 

     For i As Integer = 0 To 2 
      result(i, 0) = ui(i)/m.Rows 

     Return result 

    End Function 
    Sub ShowMatrix(ByVal name As String, ByVal m As Matrix(Of Double)) 
     For i As Integer = 0 To m.Rows - 1 
      For j As Integer = 0 To m.Cols - 1 
       console.Write(m(i, j) & " ") 
    End Sub 

End Module 


A centroid 
B centroid 
0.987108879970813 -0.112363244371414 0.113976139595516 
0.121201730390574 0.989879474775675 -0.0738157569097856 
-0.104528463267653 0.0866782944696306 0.990737439302028 
5° 6° 7° 
