在這裏,我發佈兩個數字以及與他們一些問題,誰能幫我解決它們,因爲我真的陷入了它? 1. Training a simple linear SVM:
% svm-train -t 0 -c 100 data0 data0.model
% python drawBoundary.py data0
-t 0 -- use a linear kernel
-c 100 -- set
我嘗試在Windows 10 PC上安裝LIBSVM。每次我嘗試運行make文件我得到以下錯誤: No supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer. For a list of supported compilers, see http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/R2013b/win64
對於多類預測,通過遵循針對this gem給出的庫示例返回稍微不準確的預測。 測試集(老師大聲訓斥學生誰是上課遲到,但後來道歉。)應與代碼已經返回EDUCATION代替HEALTH require 'libsvm'
# Let take our documents and create word vectors out of them.
documents = [ # 0 is JOK