我試圖創建一個自動化通過包裝多邊形面到另一個多邊形 # This script wrap a polygon face to the targeted terrain
import maya.cmds as cmds
# select terrain first, then the face
cmds.select('terrain', r = True)
我在Python相當小白。 我可以編寫一個簡單的腳本來爲選定對象的頂點分配一個集羣。 像這樣: import maya.cmds as cmds
activeSelection = cmds.ls(selection=True)
for i in activeSelection:
cmds.polyListComponentConversion(i, ff=True, tv=Tr
我創建爲Maya相同Python腳本並保存爲2個版本的腳本文件夾中: import maya.cmds as cmds
def function(selection=False):
# some code here
# create a window with a botton.
window = cmds.window(w= 300, h=100)